Loser Plateau - More surface stuff

Tue 01 Aug 2000

Andy couldn't face caving so we went to finish off Hinter survey & go down to base at noon. Took rather longer than we intended - got down about 7pm!

Showed Ol lower route to col. Stopped for ½ hour to document small cave '2000-04' about 40m from 145. It's a descending joint-controlled cave about 10m long, choked at end/bottom. Tagged '2000-04', GPSed (Wook & Ol) Photoed (Julian T camera), surveyed & drawn.

At VD1 Andy fettled bunde a bit whilst Wook looked for WK5 & 6. GPS location was about 50m out, so it took half an hour or so. Once found, WK6 was tagged 'WOOK6' & photoed. WK5 was photoed but as Andy started bolting the hammer head fell off, down the cave & through the hole too miserable to do without gear! So it's not yet tagged! Survey from WK5 -> WK6 -> 205 (Nordalpenhöhle) (located by GPS). Couldn't change tag there from CUCC99-BO-01 to 205 as no spanner - damn. Photoed.

Then 'followed' survey data to nearby shaft with pre-drilled spit hole & put in tag - called it '1999-10' to be sure of a free ID. Talking to Brian there is >50m of passage so it needs a real survey.

Finally, headed off to Hinter to connect unfinished survey (96-02,3,4) to Hinter, then back via SteinB path. Noted several holes that need designations. Big Hole, 2 big rifts, another shaft & nearby horizontal low-arched cave (visible from TC). These must all have been checked before, but until they get numbers it will keep happening. Only had < 1l water all day between us so tired on return. And now its 1:53 am & I've agreed to get up at 7:00 to go caving.....

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2000#07 Surface survey ['notes2', 'notes1', 'plan']
    2000#08 ['notes2', 'notes1']
    2000#10 ['plan']
    2000#12 ['notes2', 'notes1', 'extend', 'plan']
Logbook trips on this date:
    Loser Plateau - More surface stuff
    161 - 161D Regurgitation III
    40 - Eishöle
    204 - Steinbrückenhöhle