204 - Ariston to the pushing front

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place: 204

Mon 31 Jul 2000    Mon 31 Jul 2000

Duncan Collis Thu 27 Jul 2000 Tue 01 Aug 2000
Mick Thompson Tue 01 Aug 2000
Mon 31 Jul 2000
Duncan Collis

[This trip to rig rest of Ariston to the pushing front was apparently successful (see next day) but never written up, Webeditor]

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2000#06 random pit ? ['notes']
Logbook trips on this date:
    40 - Eishöhle - POV
    161 - 161D - Regurgitation II
    204 - [I assume this is 204, Webeditor]
    40 - Eishöle
    204 - Ariston to the pushing front
    204 - Steinbrückenhöhle