136 - Photo + push in 136

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place: 136

Wed 28 Jul 1999    Thu 29 Jul 1999

Becka Lawson Tue 27 Jul 1999 Fri 30 Jul 1999
Julian Haines Wed 28 Jul 1999
Julian Todd Tue 27 Jul 1999 Sun 01 Aug 1999
Thu 29 Jul 1999
Becka Lawson

Down ~11, Julian H still bleary from his midnight return from 136 with Erin. I derigged he rope off the Theatre (52m) + took it down Oatso. Took photos of end of Oatso, the chamber above Windy Bottom (pretty) & the Overshoot main passage. Then derigged Pit of Damnation (choss nonsense in Lost in Space that Julian H + Erin looked at yesterday). Julian H used the drill (which died after 3 bolts) + then a hand bolt to descend ~20m into Breeze Through. We went down & slung the rope around a dodgy roof natural to get down the final 10m after the sloping boulder-strewn ledge. And Julian spotted the distant rumble of Wookey + Andy surveying at the same depth. So we fixed our survey to the bottom of theirs & surveyed out. Finally done gone 8. Took drill battery out & went out rather slowly, all feeling a bit knackered. Complete cock-up trying to rig a deviation to stop a rub on the 2nd pitch below the eyehole. Bodged it + gave up
T/U JulianH 11½, Becka + Julian T 12½

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Logbook trips on this date:
    136 - Photo + push in 136
    136 - More in Chile
    Loser Plateau - surface surveying to Steinbrückenhöhle
    204 - Comment