161 - inadvertantly go caving. (Down France)

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place: 161

Thu 20 Jul 1995    Fri 21 Jul 1995

Anthony Day Thu 13 Jul 1995 Sat 22 Jul 1995
Duncan Collis Thu 13 Jul 1995 Fri 21 Jul 1995
Mike Richardson Tue 18 Jul 1995
Thu 20 Jul 1995
Anthony Day

This is a story of unfortunate mishaps.

After accidentally setting their alarm clock for 5am, the aforementioned found themselves going caving at 8am. A series of unforseen mishaps saw them arrive at a question mark in Rich T chamber. This consisted of a chossy 12' climb, which was erroneously interpreted as a chance for Duncan to practice his bolting skills, and thus a spit became placed. Duncan & Mike then endured ½hr each of shitting their pants on a 35° bank of choss, only to find that it didn't go anywhere. This at least reduced the possibility of the grave error of them returning to survey this bit of cave occurring. The possé then exit, trying to avoid the obvious pitfalls of inadvertantly becoming drunk that evening at the expo dinner.

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Logbook trips on this date:
    161 - DOL (Yet Again)
    161 - inadvertantly go caving. (Down France)