161 - Hobnob passage - Pushing 94-65

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place: 161

Thu 20 Jul 1995    Fri 21 Jul 1995

Duncan Collis Thu 20 Jul 1995 Sat 22 Jul 1995
Kate Janossy Tue 18 Jul 1995 Sat 22 Jul 1995
Fri 21 Jul 1995
Duncan Collis

After small amount of faffing over bolting kit (which we had left at surface, and so we had to get one of from down Sultan's.) we thwacked a couple of bolts in to make a reasonable Y- hang down the rift. Kate went down first - from above the pitch looked pretty good, and reports from below were favourable too, so I followed. The rift led into a train tunnel-sort of passage. This initially appeared to be a good lead, but exploration proved this not to be the case - to the west, the passage went for perhaps 30 metres before closing down, but had a small, water washed vadose lead on the right (with sound of water), - to the east, the passage was filled almost to the roof with a large mud bank, being followable for perhaps 30 metres.

The lead to the west is worth a second look for small people since it sounds as if it goes somewhere significant.

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Logbook trips on this date:
    161 - Hobnob passage - Pushing 94-65
    161 - France