
1992 calendar page     full logbook     logbook report


Fri 31 Jul 1992    Sat 01 Aug 1992

Aggy Finn Thu 30 Jul 1992 Sun 02 Aug 1992
Clive George Thu 30 Jul 1992 Sun 02 Aug 1992
Fran Lane Tue 28 Jul 1992
Jerry Williams Thu 30 Jul 1992 Sun 02 Aug 1992
Fri 31 Jul 1992
Clive George

/~TU 1hr~\ /~ TU ½hr ~\

Quote "Small depression near 164" in logbook.

Found this cave when prospecting, & found it to be a cavern full of pretty ice. This time brought cameras. Looped tapes over a couple of lumps of rock & Aggy went down. (All were wearing shorts & tee-shirts). Removed SRT gear & passed up to Jerry. Fran descended, then, eventually, Clive. Bloody Cold. Then Jerry. Landing area is sunk in under level of snow, so large kick from side is needed to land on snow. Took loads of pics. Still bloody cold. Came out to heat shock. Best part is it is 10 mins from Top Camp.

No. is 189, name GLITTERSTOMPF.

Prospecting (sometime in the middle)
Aggy, Julian S, Fran & Jerry
½ HR

Found lots of holes - generally wandered in the direction of the huge piece of limestone on the far side of the Hinter Schwarzmooskogel (?). Including Glitterstompf, 164, 107 an old path. As suspected, most holes blocked w/ snow but the limestone has lots of biggies - but only had a 26m rope w/ us so didn't go down all. Worth going back to the limestone w/ lots of rope - couple of very large drops. Didn't bother doing more than + the ones that we actually bottomed - headed back to 161 path. Came across a large hole on the hillside - can be seen from the large piece of limestone on the Wook path. Went over snowfield to the top - looked down - saw no bolts although so<?> sany[?] it may be Tantalschacht - needs going down - huge chamber below - very close to path - found an S [???].

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Logbook trips on this date:
    161 - Dungeon