'Wild' Survex files

These are survex files which have NO ATTACHED WALLET.
i.e. they have a survex block (begin..end) with no *REF line which refers to the wallet holding the raw data for that block of data.

survex block with no *refdateparent blockwithin survex filesurveyed lengthteam
qsclink July 17, 1992 182 caves-1623/182/quark 13.1m ['JulianS', 'Olly']
amnesia July 8, 1992 182 caves-1623/182/amnesia 123.7m ['Mark McLean', 'Ali Morris']
strike2 July 16, 1992 182 caves-1623/182/strike2 27.5m []
piezo2 July 2, 1992 182 caves-1623/182/piezo2 78.1m ['Alistair Morris', 'Julian Haines']
ent2 July 14, 1992 182 caves-1623/182/ent2 53.0m ['Julian S', 'Olly Betts']
ent2link July 14, 1992 182 caves-1623/182/ent2 4.3m []
yorktop July 14, 1992 182 caves-1623/182/yorktop 101.8m ['Olly Betts', 'Julian Shilton']
sump July 16, 1992 182 caves-1623/182/sump 59.7m ['JulianH', 'Wookey']
ott Aug. 1, 1992 182 caves-1623/182/overshel 59.3m ['Olly Betts']
claustrolink July 28, 1992 182 caves-1623/182/claustro 0.8m []
claustro July 28, 1992 182 caves-1623/182/claustro 24.0m []
brute July 28, 1992 182 caves-1623/182/brutefor 68.9m ['Wookey', 'Olly']
upper July 17, 1992 183 caves-1623/183/183 87.3m ['Matt', 'Fran', 'MarkM']
lower Aug. 3, 1992 183 caves-1623/183/183 18.8m ['Clive', 'Olly']
fake Jan. 1, 1992 283 caves-1623/283/organfake 0.0m []
forsten Jan. 1, 1992 78 caves-1623/78/forsten 182.3m []
augsburg Jan. 1, 1992 78 caves-1623/78/augsburg 221.6m []
e2 Aug. 24, 1992 78 caves-1623/78/e2 152.4m []
dungeon July 28, 1992 161 caves-1623/161/top/entrance 90.5m ['Julian S', 'Sam']
1st July 16, 1992 gparty caves-1623/161/lhr/gparty 43.4m ['Dave Fearon', 'Henri', 'Andy Atkinson']
2nd July 22, 1992 gparty caves-1623/161/lhr/gparty 114.8m ['Andy A', 'DaveF', 'Wookey']
3rd July 24, 1992 gparty caves-1623/161/lhr/gparty 62.4m ['DaveF', 'AndyA']
bladerun Aug. 5, 1992 161 caves-1623/161/rhr/bladerun 104.7m ['Henri', 'Wook', 'DaveF']
deepsleep July 18, 1992 161 caves-1623/161/rhr/deepslp 74.0m ['MikeTA', 'Wookey']
gnome July 18, 1992 161 caves-1623/161/rhr/gnome 80.9m ['MikeTA', 'Wook']
sokbconn July 23, 1992 161 caves-1623/161/north/yapate 6.5m ['Jerry Williams', 'Wookey']
beeconn July 23, 1992 161 caves-1623/161/north/pipeless 4.7m ['Jerry Williams', 'Wookey']
beehive July 14, 1992 161 caves-1623/161/north/pipeless 72.6m ['Dave Fearon', 'Andy Atkinson']
pipeless July 23, 1992 161 caves-1623/161/north/pipeless 174.4m ['Jerry Williams', 'Wookey']
mostlymud July 29, 1992 161 caves-1623/161/north/pipeless 130.0m ['MikeTA', 'Sam']
fartofar Aug. 4, 1992 161 caves-1623/161/north/3wisemen 131.0m ['Wookey', 'Andrew Atkinson']
notalgeria July 30, 1992 161 caves-1623/161/france/vertfran 91.9m ['Wookey', 'Henri']
algeria Aug. 4, 1992 161 caves-1623/161/france/algeria 129.5m ['JulianS', 'DaveH', 'Olly']
182to184 July 17, 1992 no_name-#1949 surface/1623/182area 0.0m ['AndyA', 'Wookey']
182to183 July 17, 1992 no_name-#1949 surface/1623/182area 0.0m ['Matt', 'MarkM', 'Fran']
tctocol July 14, 1992 no_name-#1949 surface/1623/tctocol 0.0m ['Gill', 'Wookey']

So we are missing 2,588m of surveyed cave from our wallet records.

If the "team" field is empty, it probably means that it is an ARGE survey (in German) and so we do not recognise any participants as valid 'expo' members. Or it may mean that we did it, but that the survex file has been created since the last database reset.
If the parent block says "troggle _unseens" or "None" then the survex file has not been plumbed in to the expo survex network yet.
If there is a *ref line of the correct format, then maybe that wallet has not been created yet. Create it, and fill in the data.

Length of survex data referenced by wallets in this year 0m.

Survey Legs
1992 37 426 2,652

These are uncorrected tape lengths which include pitches and duplicates but exclude splays or surface-surveys.

One Survex Survey Block is one *begin/*end block of data in a survex file. Some files from other caving clubs may have a convention of using many more blocks per file than we do, e.g. if the file is exported from other software into survex format.