Puffball - Derig

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place: Puffball

Sat 25 Jul 1992    Mon 27 Jul 1992

Olly Betts Sat 25 Jul 1992 Tue 28 Jul 1992
Wookey Sat 25 Jul 1992 Tue 28 Jul 1992
Mon 27 Jul 1992

Wook checked out QM's down Chimney : Just extensions of rift. Had a jolly time de-rigging, especially Crow's Nest which was epic. Ol tried a couple of bits & ticked off a QM leaving one crap one. Decided to head out with 3 baggies as 6 would be stupid.

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Logbook trips on this date:
    Puffball - Derig
    161 - Dungeon
    161 - France