Survex File: caves-1623/311/311
No differences from last saved file.
cave primary survexfile caves-1623/311/311.svx
directory primary survexfile caves-1623/311/311
block 311 has parent block 1623 (in file kataster/1623.svx)
2023-07-19 ['311']
Survex files on this date:caves-1623/303/303
Wallets on this date:
2023#34 Little Tent ['littletentsexytopo', 'littletent plan', 'littletent ee', 'littletent']
2023#36 heifer ['notes_incavenotes']
2023#39 Dead on Arrival ['deadonarrivalsexytopo', 'deadonarrival plan', 'deadonarrival ee', 'deadonarri…
2023#40 Boring Hole ['boringholecp7', 'boringholecp7 ee', 'boringholecp7 plan', 'boringholecp7sexyt…
2023#41 Gollum Grotto ['2023Ash17sexytopo', '2023Ash17 ee', '2023Ash17', '2023Ash17 plan']
2023#47 Slot Cave ['2023BL05-09-2', '2023BL05-09-4', 'incavenotes-2', '2023BL05-09-5', '2023BL05-…
2023#49 Cateyes Cave ['2023KT01 newcavesheet', '2023-kt-01_notes', 'elev', 'plan']
2023#69 2023-RAWDB-01 Dead Balloon Hole, 02:Mountain Aven ['original-notes-1623-2023-RAWDB-02', 'plan-1623-2023-RAWDB-02', 'Wallet69-2023…
2023#70 Cateyes Cave - 316 - 2023-kt-01 ['No uploaded scans or incorrect path to wallet contents']
Logbook trips on this date:
Homecoming - pushing beyond death sump and the heifer
2023-ASH-15, 2023-ASH-16 - Prospecting – dropping Boring Hole and Dead on Arrival
Plateau - Surveying Little Tent and Gollum Grotto
Tempest - The Tempest Diaries
surface - Prospecting near Fishface
2023-BL-05 - Prospecting W of Garlic cave