Rob Watson : 2014

638.4 m surveyed this year.

Other years:  | 2014 | 2016 | 2017 | 2022 | 2023

Status of all wallets for Rob Watson

Table of all trips and surveys aligned by date

July 29, 2014 161 - Rig 161g 161
July 30, 2014 161 - Reconnaisance trip to Runnel Stone 161
Aug. 1, 2014 prospecting - Surface prospecting, NW of Tunnocks prospecting
Aug. 2, 2014 107 - Gemshohle - Attempt #2 to push Wookey & Jess' lead at North end of China 107 9.4 m
-- 1.6 m
-- 161connection 55.0 m
Aug. 3, 2014 107 - KH connection made / KH derig 107
Aug. 11, 2014 Tunnocks - Arctic Angle - "The wrong choice" Tunnocks nochoiceatall 80.8 m
-- feckingtight 49.2 m
Aug. 12, 2014 Balcony Höhle, Dead Bat pitch Unknown deadbatpitch 32.2 m
Aug. 13, 2014 Balcony Höhle Pushing minor leads near entrance pitch Unknown roommop 10.8 m
-- crashmop 131.8 m
Aug. 14, 2014 Tunnocks - Number of the Beast Tunnocks
Aug. 18, 2014 Balcony - Tying up loose ends in Far Side Balcony farsideco1 15.5 m
-- farsideco2 43.2 m
-- farsideco3 46.8 m
-- farsideco4 46.3 m
-- farsideco5 65.5 m
-- turtleheadco 50.3 m
Aug. 19, 2014 1623-258 - Leads at the bottom of Champagne on Ice / Arctic Angle, Grike Expectation 1623-258