Balcony - Nothing to See - surveying and photography

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place: Balcony

Mon 07 Aug 2017    Mon 07 Aug 2017

Kristian Brook Sun 06 Aug 2017
Sarah Connelly Wed 09 Aug 2017
Mon 07 Aug 2017
Sarah Connelly

We descended the Balcony entrance pitch, myself taking it embarrassingly slowly and cautiously due to my lack of caving for several months. On reaching the bottom Kristian led me to and down Hilti-A-Plenty, and then on a sporting romp to Nothing to See (featuring a traverse, a sandy crawl and a bold step that was ‘a bit dodgy’ - K Brook, 2017).

Once there we completed surveying as far as possible and took some distances up two potential leads that required bolt climbing to reach. Once this was done we bumbled back towards Hilti-A-Plenty and took some amusing sponsorship photos, featuring myself jealously guarding my Tunnocks bars and Kristian enjoying a refreshing drink of pesto. Nothing to See was then derigged and we made our way out slowly due to my tendency to prussik at a snails pace. We arrived back at camp in time to watch a lovely sunset and moonrise.

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2014#39 Dead Bat Pitch ['notes2', 'notes1', 'elev1', 'plan1']
    2017#37 Second Wind ['plan2', 'notes2', 'elevation1', 'notes1', 'plan3', 'plan1', 'elevation2', 'no…
    2017#38 Fisch Gesicht Hoehle ['plan2', 'notes2', 'notes1', 'elev1', 'plan1', 'elev2']
    2017#39 Nothing To See Here ['notes']
    2017#44 The Loser Lido ['notes2', 'elevation1', 'notes1', 'plan1']
    2017#46 Fisch Gesicht Hoehle ['notes2', 'notes1']
    2017#54 Gutenmorgenhoehle 1 ['gutenmorgenhohle1_p', 'gutenmorgenhohle1', 'gutenmorgenhohle1_e']
    2017#60 beyond Fishgesicht ['notes-081', 'scrsap-1116']
Logbook trips on this date:
    2015-DL-01 - Guten Morgen Höhle trip #2
    plateau - Prospecting beyond FGH and GSH
    FGH - dropping pitches, ice
    Balcony - Nothing to See - surveying and photography
    Balcony - Sloppy Seconds to Second Wind
    Balcony - Sloppy Seconds: Second Wind and Dog End Series
    Tunnocks - Camp Kraken: killing Grike of the Earth