Tunnocks - 'The Beast' has fallen #gloriousendings #whataday #pokemon

Sun 06 Aug 2017
Kristian Brook

Based on tunes originally whistled by Kristian Brook

I woke at 10am to find Becka screaming that she had not gone caving in 24 hours (it had only been 13 hours). Whilst George was laughing he asked me if I was keen for a trip; I responded by packing my caving gear. The destination was ‘The Beast’ to explore a window George had seen when he last went there. After the 50000000 rebelays of the Tunnocks Entrance Series we made it to the top of the Beast. Becka and I descended the Beast in order to survey whilst George took a drill and 2 dubious batteries in order to rig a separate shaft called ‘Not the Beast’. We would link into the window at the bottom of The Beast in order to look at virgin passage.

George set off down the passage first and crossed a low risk, high severity traverse. This was rigged with the remaining rope that we had and whatever naturals we could see. The dubious rigging inspired the passage name ‘Rig-a-Mortis’. There were 3 streams passing through the passage and sinking into person sized stream passage. These leads would have been pushed enthusiastically in the UK but in this situation they were too cold to push on. A trip back with a wetsuit is recommended if they are to be further looked at. On the way out Becka derigged The Beast and George derigged ‘Not the Beast’. I was knackered going out of the cave so Becka and George took all the rope and bolting kit out. Exited the cave at 2am, 13 hours underground; a new personal best for myself.

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