Tunnocks - Camp Kraken: killing Grike of the Earth

Mon 07 Aug 2017
Rachel Turnbull

From camp, we headed north to a bolt climb lead (QMA). Mike free-climbed 5m to a ledge and was unable to climb further, so he placed a bolt and pulled through down.

Note from Mike: rock was very flakey, holds were coming off in my hands, would need thru bolting to progress. Also loose looking boulder above.

Back to Rachel: in Grike of the Earth, from the ledge we headed northwest, following pleasant walking passage, turning into inactive stream passage with higher false floor. This led to a 40m pitch to a large rift chamber, clear sump pool and drippy aven. No obvious leads could be found from here. From the ledge, southeast tunnel, dropped 20m on a ramp down to a mud sump. A previously noted ‘too tight rift’ directly north was followed for ~20m where the draft disappeared into the choked ceiling. At 3am, we headed back to camp, to derig the next day.

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