2005-05 - Balcony Höhle

Tue 05 Aug 2014

Noel, Mike and Andrea had set off nice and early to go look at some of our leads from the day before, including a traverse that wanted bolting. Using a drill tends to go more easily when the drill has a bit, though, so when Noel came back to get one Holly and I came along to the cave. Noel added a backup bolt to the top Y-hang then I descended first to fettle the rigging. After lots of waiting for people to descend to avoid bouldery death we set off to rig the traverse. While Noel was discovering a chasm too wide to traverse across Holly and I were looking at the parallel shaft we'd found, and we made a sound connection between the two (unsurprising, as Noel described around the corner of the pitch as a rift).

We decided to leave that traverse alone for the time being and as Noel derigged I took everyone else to Liar's bakery, the ?B, for Mike and Andrea to poke around in. Holly, Noel, and I then went to traverse the parallel shaft Holly and I had visited instead. Traversing over one pitch led to a second hole in the floor, giving the area the name Pit Pot. Traversing over the second pit landed on a rubble-covered ledge with a small window leading to a nice big pitch! Rocks fell for ~3 sec, so we estimated the depth of the shaft at 60m. We surveyed to the window -a whopping 13m - and headed out. Mike and Andrea had had rather more success, surveying 109.13m ending in a (dry) ~40m pitch. There are still plenty of leads to go back to, not too bad!

T/U: 6 hrs

Balcony Höhle Rigging Topo - Entrance Series (05/08/2014)
Balcony Höhle Rigging Topo - Entrance Series (05/08/2014)

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2014#10 Balcony Entrance Pitch2 ['notes1', 'plan1']
    2014#13 Liars Bakery ['notes2', 'notes1', 'plan2', 'plan3', 'plan1']
    2014#14 Pitpot ['notes1', 'elev1', 'plan1']
    2014#21 Coldfinger 2 ['notes2', 'notes1', 'elev1', 'plan1']
    2014#26 2014-sd-01 ['elevation', 'notes2', 'notes1', 'plan']
Logbook trips on this date:
    2005-05 - Balcony Höhle
    plateau - Prospecting N of Tunnocks
    Tunnocks - SRT practice
    107 - Land of Confusion
    go down Champagne on Ice / Coldfinger in Tunnocks