Tunnocks: March of the Penguins

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Tue 09 Aug 2011    Tue 09 Aug 2011

Emma Wilson Mon 08 Aug 2011 Wed 10 Aug 2011
Neil Pacey Mon 08 Aug 2011 Wed 10 Aug 2011
Tue 09 Aug 2011
Emma Wilson

Back to March of the Penguins exploring side passages found on 8/8/11. Started off from QMA at far end of passage - led up slope to p10 QMB with possible continuation QMB+. Most passages ended in loose boulder chokes with some signs of being near the surface. Complicated interconnected part of the cave - all horizontal leads explored.

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2011#36 ['notes0004', 'notes0003', 'notes0001', 'notes0002']
    2011#42 ['plan0001', 'elev0002', 'elev0003', 'notes0001', 'plan0003', 'plan0002', 'noteā€¦
Logbook trips on this date:
    204 De-rig back to entrance pitch
    Tunnocks: March of the Penguins
    Klettersteig - Bad Goisern