204 - Surveying QM's in Treeumphant

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place: 204

Fri 28 Jul 2006    Fri 28 Jul 2006

Chantalle Mon 31 Jul 2006
Dave Thu 27 Jul 2006 Mon 31 Jul 2006
John Mon 31 Jul 2006
Pete Tue 01 Aug 2006
Fri 28 Jul 2006

Team novice had managed to arrive at the bivvy at exactly the same time team old-lag were planning to leave it, so I stayed up a few more hours to show them how to push new cave.

We attacked QM 00-21C, a tube on the left-hand wall of Treeumpant. Chantalle climbed in + determined that it went, at which point I realised I'd forgotten the survey notebook.

Got back 1/2 an hour later to find that P+J+C had found a parallel horizontal gallery linking together 00-21, 00-22, and 00-17, which were duly surveyed. 00-19C doesn't go, and 00-16 and 00-18 join up in another parallel gallery on the other side. All now thoroughly ticked off and not going anywhere. Unfortunatly we linked the survey to the wrong point (my fault - oops).

At this point I buggered off to drink Göosser down the hill + left the other to check out Sucker.

(See Pete's writeup).

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2006#07 ['notes2', 'notes1']
    2006#19 ['notes0001', 'notes0002', 'elev', 'plan']
Logbook trips on this date:
    204 - 204
    204 - Surveying QM's in Treeumphant
    76 - Strangeways
    Surface wanders