204 - Loop closures + Cresta Run

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place: 204

Sun 01 Aug 2004    Tue 03 Aug 2004

Becka Sun 01 Aug 2004 Tue 03 Aug 2004
Earl Sat 31 Jul 2004 Tue 03 Aug 2004
Martin Sun 01 Aug 2004 Wed 04 Aug 2004
Nial Sat 31 Jul 2004 Tue 03 Aug 2004
Stuart Sun 01 Aug 2004 Tue 03 Aug 2004
Mon 02 Aug 2004

Becka + Nial in early to take some BDH + Peli case sponsorship photos, and to derig the pitches into Rhino Rift and take the rope to the end of Swings + Roundabouts. Martin (with Earl as a backup rigger) then went up the rope which Martin had put in the bolts for earlier this Expo (and that Earl had climbed putting in hand-bolts in ?2001 / ?2000) and rigged down the far side and – bingo – found a survey station from Helter Skelter. Meanwhile team survey (Becka, Nial + Stuart) surveyed Trapeze, a climb to a gallery above the main Swings passage and a small chamber below which can be reached by a squeeze at the bottom of the main passage – Nial and I had looked at this on 18th July and Stuart and Earl had independently looked at it on a later trip. [21/7/04 I think.—DL]

Then off to the Helter Skelter connection and started surveying this whilst Martin + Earl took the drill to Insignificant Chamber to QM 2000-10A, where they put in a natural back up, Y-hang with spits, bolted deviation to a ledge about 15-20m down then two more spits in rubbish rock to descend to floor of Pleasuredome, maybe 45m down (this needs surveying).

Meanwhile Stuart, Nial + Becka had found a thin rift leading off from the pitch which dropped into Helter Skelter + surveyed down this (Cresta Run, as it zig-zagged steeply down) to a small chamber (apparently the boulder choke at the top end of this is very close to the end of Rat Biscuit on the survey – worth trying for a connection some time?). Cresta Run continued steeply down + we finished the survey at a pitch head with possible horizontal leads and a shortish pitch with possibly another chamber beyond. We then derigged the Helter Skelter pitch (but left the up-rope from Swings + Roundabouts – would be horrible to derig anyway) + took the rope to Martin + Earl so they could finish their Pleasuredome pitch. We then did a short survey to link the Insignificant Chamber survey to Julian Todd's climb out of Rhino Rift this year to complete the second large loop closure of the trip. A very productive + varied trip!

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2004#39 ['notes']
    2004#40 surface []
    2004#41 ['notes2', 'notes1', 'notes3', '04-15elev', '04-15plan']
    2004#42 ['notes4', 'notes2', 'notes1', 'crestaextend1', 'notes3', 'notes5', 'trapezeext…
    2004#43 insig2rhino|Insignificant chamber to Rhino Rift. ['insig2rhinoelev', 'insig2rhinonotes1', 'insig2rhinoplan', 'insig2rhinonotes2']
Logbook trips on this date:
    204 - Loop closures + Cresta Run