Loser Plateau - Surface prospecting near Hauchhöhle
Mark arrives at the stone bridge previous night, claiming thousands of new really good caves near Hauchhöhle, maybe doing
important link of 204->161/elsewhere. Much amazement ensues.
1st Aug sees motley crüe going to look @ said holes, who then find most of them go ~3m.
Further exploration found large fault with a few caves of slight biggerness. Minging through trip found (minging whilst in surface
clothes) and a promising lead or two also noted.
When finally changed into cave gear, one of these leads was surveyed (2004-14), bolted and photographed. At this point rumbling
from the heavens stopped play.
Sheltering in the through trip cave, a small crawl was found (and later this cave was surveyed by Olly & Frank (2004-15),
and crawl gets too tight).
Boredom set in, leading to a desperate flight across the plateau in the Donner + Blitzen, which was very silly.