136 - Aven climbing in Steinschlagschacht
Julian Haines
Slight improvement on start time - underground by 2pm. Whizzed down to the bottom of the Theatre, stopping only to put another bolt in at the rebelay for the start of Traverse of the Gods, which is also the rebelay for the main hang into the Theatre. This rebelay now looks like spaghetti junction! Four ends of rope and a coil of spare rope all hang from here together with a sling!
Went back up the mud-bank climb at the bottom of the Theatre and across to the aven at the extreme SEish of the survey. This turned out to be a slopey, rifty crack part filled of mud and pebbles. Climbed up about 10m with Brian belaying me on the new dynamic rope. Put about 6 Hilti's in on the way and used usual climbing runners. Got tired soon after and went home.