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Wed 26 Jul 1995    Thu 27 Jul 1995

Andy Waddington Tue 25 Jul 1995 Sat 29 Jul 1995
Thu 27 Jul 1995
Andy Waddington

AndyW carried gear up to Top Camp then moseyed around a little. Repainted numbers on 100 and B8 before paint ran out, drat! Both these numbers were last "refreshed" in 1993. Moral:- Ford 'Signal Orange' retouch paint is crap and fades or chips in c3 years. The original (1976) B8 number is still visible - but obscure. Chatted to Kate and Balazs at Top Camp, then had yet another search for B6, B5, B3... No luck. Cycled down in 11:28 - slow owing to new road surface being greasy and bumpy at the bottom. Rain started just on last bit. Pissing down by Base Camp. T/U nil.

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Survex files on this date:
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Logbook trips on this date:
    161 - Gob (again)
    161 - Surveying Triassic Park & Photos
    Plateau - Prospecting on big white patch of limestone below Hinter