161 - France
Dave Johnson
The primary intention of this trip was that Julian & Steve would continue Sultans of Swing with the stonking bolt driller & battery pack - unfortunately minus drill bit. Julian in caving gear for 1/2 hour in searing heat before this was discovered. Ha Ha! So me & Scout went on our own, with another fine intention of bolting and rigging Kate's new pitch. This objective was soon turned on its head after the f*****g screw of the f*****g bolt driver dropped off down the pitch with only managing 3/4 of the first spit! So we then had a small look round, found an interesting looking streamway beyond the boulders to the left of the pitch we didn't bolt. That's about it, so we buggered off out, tedious prussik out with my harness rubbing in an uncomfortable place. Wot a waste of a trip!
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