surface - survey - Team Silver Streak ! Or something like it (Streak Lightning)

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Sun 23 Aug 1987    Mon 24 Aug 1987

Chris Densham Sun 23 Aug 1987 Tue 25 Aug 1987
Ian Millar Sun 23 Aug 1987 Tue 25 Aug 1987
Jenny Moss Sun 23 Aug 1987 Tue 25 Aug 1987
Keith Millar Sun 23 Aug 1987 Tue 25 Aug 1987
Mike Martin Sun 23 Aug 1987 Wed 26 Aug 1987
Mon 24 Aug 1987
Mike Martin

Early start (11.30 am) and trip to ridge caves. Down Stogerweg to 32 for brief stop and then on to P.2. Hacked up to 113 via several draughting holes which were examined.

Definitive guide to Austria refers to 109 as "hole stepped over on way to 113" it is. This draughts excessively but unfortunately doesn't come to anything significant.

[ Plan ]

[ elevation ]

Then continued up to 113 (P0). and surface surveyed back to P2 via P1. Also looked at 87 which could be felt from the path. Tremendous draught and, contrary to description, probably has got "some point" to bolting into passage following draught. Examining survey, 87 could connect to Big Chamber area of 115 at Futility series passage !

Returned to camp stopping momentarily to see even more chamois and attempt photography.

The end, Mike M

Mike sent Chris on a Bunde-bashing trip (Ah- there's a cave in that hill - recognise that tree anywhere) and after much hardship found a wonderful draughting cave which turned out to be 2 minutes from the path and had the symbol 87 by it - what does this mean ?

Surface time 8½ hours.

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Logbook trips on this date:
    surface - survey - Team Silver Streak ! Or something like it (Streak Lightning)
    153 - maybe