Transport to/from Austria

Account short name: transport-to-from
Number of transactions: 87

Negative amounts indicate that Transport to/from Austria is indebted to a creditor.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Creditor/DebtorAmountDescription
2009-07-01Frank Tully -121.00ferry ticket
2009-07-01Wookey -111.79 (-137.00 Euros) train tickets paris to expo
2009-07-01Wookey -74.00train tickets expo to uk
2009-07-01Wookey -31.82 (-39.00 Euros)train tickets expo to uk
2009-07-10Becka Lawson -29.00ferry ticket for becka's car homewards
2009-07-17Tony Rooke -104.00ferry ticket for tonys car
2009-07-17Tony Rooke -104.00ferry ticket for emmas car
2009-07-17Tony Rooke -47.18tonys breakdown cover
2009-07-17Tony Rooke -26.67tonys european car insurance
2009-07-17Tony Rooke -45.00adding edvin to tonys insurance
2009-07-18Kathryn Hopkins -33.00diesel for tonys car outbound
2009-07-19Becka Lawson -28.32 (-34.71 Euros)diesel outwards journey
2009-07-19Becka Lawson -18.50 (-22.68 Euros)diesel outwards journey
2009-07-19Becka Lawson -26.92 (-33.00 Euros)diesel outwards journey
2009-07-19Becka Lawson -32.42diesel outwards journey
2009-07-19Becka Lawson -19.48ferry ticket for becka's car outbound
2009-07-19Emma Wilson -1.50dartford tunnel toll
2009-07-19Emma Wilson -12.97petrol outbound
2009-07-19Emma Wilson -31.47 (-38.57 Euros)petrol outbound
2009-07-19Emma Wilson -42.75 (-52.39 Euros)petrol outbound
2009-07-19Emma Wilson -58.21insurance for extra driver
2009-07-19Emma Wilson -47.18breakdown cover
2009-07-20Ollie Stevens -37.60fuel outbound
2009-07-20Ollie Stevens -26.51 (-32.49 Euros)fuel outbound
2009-07-20Ollie Stevens -29.40 (-36.03 Euros)fuel outbound
2009-07-20Ollie Stevens -36.99 (-45.34 Euros)fuel outbound
2009-07-20Steve Jones -4.98headlamp adaptors
2009-07-20Steve Jones -6.49road atlas
2009-07-20Steve Jones -3.00GB sticker
2009-07-20Steve Jones -100.00insurance cover
2009-07-20Steve Jones -20.00breakdown cover
2009-07-21Ollie Stevens -50.00ferry ticket out
2009-07-21Ollie Stevens -25.00ferry ticket back
2009-07-21Ollie Stevens -45.00breakdown cover
2009-07-21Ollie Stevens -7.00light diverters
2009-07-24Anthony Day -42.43 (-52.00 Euros)diesel for tony's car
2009-07-25Holly Bradley -29.18 (-35.76 Euros)fuel outbound
2009-07-26Frank Tully -28.55 (-35.00 Euros)diesel
2009-07-26Frank Tully -1.50dartford tunnel toll
2009-07-26Mike Richardson -44.06 (-54.00 Euros)diesel out bound
2009-07-26Steve Jones -60.00ferry ticket
2009-08-01Emma Wilson -50.00Wear and tear for car owners, £25 each way
2009-08-01Frank Tully -50.00Wear and tear for car owners, £25 each way
2009-08-01Julian Todd -25.00wear and tear for car owners, £25 each way
2009-08-01Ollie Stevens -50.00Wear and tear for car owners, £25 each way
2009-08-01Steve Jones -50.00Wear and tear for car owners, £25 each way
2009-08-01Tony Rooke -50.00Wear and tear for car owners, £25 each way
2009-08-06Ollie Stevens -28.95 (-35.48 Euros)fuel on way home
2009-08-06Ollie Stevens -31.22 (-38.26 Euros)fuel on way home
2009-08-06Ollie Stevens -8.15 (-10.00 Euros)fuel on way home
2009-08-07Emma Wilson -15.00fuel en route home
2009-08-07Kathryn Hopkins -3.78 (-4.64 Euros)petrol for emmas car home
2009-08-07Martin Jahnke -28.55 (-35.00 Euros)fuel
2009-08-07Martin Jahnke -36.71 (-45.00 Euros)fuel
2009-08-07Ollie Stevens -18.37fuel on way home
2009-08-07Ollie Stevens -20.09fuel on way home
2009-08-08Kathryn Hopkins -18.76 (-23.00 Euros)fuel en route home
2009-08-08Mike Richardson -30.00fuel en route home
2009-08-08Steve Jones -44.74 (-54.84 Euros)fuel en route home
2009-08-08Steve Jones -40.00fuel en route home
2009-08-08Tony Rooke -46.91fuel
2009-08-08Tony Rooke -1.50dartford road tunnel toll
2009-08-14Wookey -42.20fuel en route home
2009-08-15Wookey -40.80 (-50.01 Euros)fuel for franks car return journey
2009-80-08Mike Richardson -74.25 (-91.00 Euros)fuel en route home
2010-07-20Andrew Atkinson 37.690.50/32.50 of the total from Transport to/from Austria (-2449.85)
2010-07-20Anthony Day 37.690.50/32.50 of the total from Transport to/from Austria (-2449.85)
2010-07-20Becka Lawson 113.071.50/32.50 of the total from Transport to/from Austria (-2449.85)
2010-07-20Edvin Deadman 150.762.00/32.50 of the total from Transport to/from Austria (-2449.85)
2010-07-20Emma Wilson 150.762.00/32.50 of the total from Transport to/from Austria (-2449.85)
2010-07-20Frank Tully 150.762.00/32.50 of the total from Transport to/from Austria (-2449.85)
2010-07-20Gareth Phillips 37.690.50/32.50 of the total from Transport to/from Austria (-2449.85)
2010-07-20Holly Bradley 150.762.00/32.50 of the total from Transport to/from Austria (-2449.85)
2010-07-20Ian Walker 37.690.50/32.50 of the total from Transport to/from Austria (-2449.85)
2010-07-20Jess Hatchett 150.762.00/32.50 of the total from Transport to/from Austria (-2449.85)
2010-07-20Jess Stirrups 150.762.00/32.50 of the total from Transport to/from Austria (-2449.85)
2010-07-20Julia Bradshaw 37.690.50/32.50 of the total from Transport to/from Austria (-2449.85)
2010-07-20Julian Todd 113.071.50/32.50 of the total from Transport to/from Austria (-2449.85)
2010-07-20Kathryn Hopkins 150.762.00/32.50 of the total from Transport to/from Austria (-2449.85)
2010-07-20Martin Green 37.690.50/32.50 of the total from Transport to/from Austria (-2449.85)
2010-07-20Martin Jahnke 150.762.00/32.50 of the total from Transport to/from Austria (-2449.85)
2010-07-20Mike Richardson 150.762.00/32.50 of the total from Transport to/from Austria (-2449.85)
2010-07-20Noel 150.762.00/32.50 of the total from Transport to/from Austria (-2449.85)
2010-07-20Ollie Stevens 150.762.00/32.50 of the total from Transport to/from Austria (-2449.85)
2010-07-20Steve Jones 150.762.00/32.50 of the total from Transport to/from Austria (-2449.85)
2010-07-20Tony Rooke 150.762.00/32.50 of the total from Transport to/from Austria (-2449.85)
2010-07-20Wookey 37.690.50/32.50 of the total from Transport to/from Austria (-2449.85)
Grand total:0.00

Go back to summary sheet.

Processed at 21:07 on 2010-07-20.