Jess Hatchett

Account short name: jess-hatchett
Number of transactions: 36

Negative amounts indicate that Jess Hatchett is indebted to a creditor.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Creditor/DebtorAmountDescription
2009-06-10Expo bank account 120.00deposit by cheque
2009-07-21Ollie Stevens -11.26 (-13.80 Euros)loserhute food
2009-07-30Consumables 2.03 (2.49 Euros)bog roll
2009-08-01Food -1.44 (-1.77 Euros)bier and limo tally
2009-08-03Food 28.81 (35.31 Euros)food
2009-08-03Food -9.75 (-11.96 Euros)tasty food
2009-08-03Food 55.92 (68.54 Euros)food
2009-08-04Sesh 8 35.25 (43.20 Euros)sesh 8
2010-07-20Administration -0.09Unlucky: arithmetic error from administration split
2010-07-20Administration -0.431/21 of the total from Administration (-9.12)
2010-07-20Communal caving gear -0.13Unlucky: arithmetic error from comm-gear-caving split
2010-07-20Communal caving gear -8.8016/394 of the total from Communal caving gear (-216.83)
2010-07-20Other communal gear -0.12Unlucky: arithmetic error from comm-gear-other split
2010-07-20Other communal gear -5.4716/401 of the total from Other communal gear (-137.27)
2010-07-20Consumables -0.17Unlucky: arithmetic error from consumables split
2010-07-20Consumables -4.1516/359 of the total from Consumables (-93.30)
2010-07-20Food -0.10Unlucky: arithmetic error from food split
2010-07-20Food -27.9316/401 of the total from Food (-700.09)
2010-07-20Grants Pool 57.501/20 of the total from Grants Pool (1150.00)
2010-07-20Inglesport order -9.101/20 of the total from Inglesport order (-182.00)
2010-07-20Jolly 1 tobogganing -3.051/2 of the total from Jolly 1 tobogganing (-6.10)
2010-07-20Jolly 2 Hallstatt -0.01Unlucky: arithmetic error from jolly-2 split
2010-07-20Jolly 2 Hallstatt -0.681/2 of the total from Jolly 2 Hallstatt (-1.37)
2010-07-20Kitty -0.13Unlucky: arithmetic error from kitty split
2010-07-20Kitty -126.6411/179 of the total from Kitty (-2060.84)
2010-07-20Sesh 5 -10.1212.40/108.60 of the total from Sesh 5 (-88.69)
2010-07-20Sesh 8 -0.01Unlucky: arithmetic error from sesh-8 split
2010-07-20Sesh 8 -9.5411.70/43.20 of the total from Sesh 8 (-35.25)
2010-07-20Sesh 9 -12.1414.40/420.20 of the total from Sesh 9 (-354.47)
2010-07-20Stuff given to Austrians -0.01Unlucky: arithmetic error from stuff-for-austrians split
2010-07-20Stuff given to Austrians -1.971/21 of the total from Stuff given to Austrians (-41.38)
2010-07-20T-shirts -18.9619.66/270.90 of the total from T-shirts (-261.32)
2010-07-20Training Weekend -10.011/14 of the total from Training Weekend (-140.16)
2010-07-20Transport in Austria -0.10Unlucky: arithmetic error from transport-in-austria split
2010-07-20Transport in Austria -9.8616/401 of the total from Transport in Austria (-247.31)
2010-07-20Transport to/from Austria -150.762.00/32.50 of the total from Transport to/from Austria (-2449.85)
Grand total:-133.42

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Processed at 21:07 on 2010-07-20.