Transport in Austria

Account short name: transport-in-austria
Number of transactions: 40

Negative amounts indicate that Transport in Austria is indebted to a creditor.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Creditor/DebtorAmountDescription
2009-07-19Emma Wilson -4.07 (-5.00 Euros)first day toll road ticket
2009-07-19Martin Jahnke -20.39 (-25.00 Euros)tollroad ticket
2009-07-20Edvin Deadman -58.75 (-72.00 Euros)toll road
2009-07-20Martin Jahnke -19.58 (-24.00 Euros)toll road ticket
2009-07-26Kathryn Hopkins -20.39 (-25.00 Euros)fuel for emmas car
2009-07-31Becka Lawson -13.65insurance for mike for becka's car
2009-08-01Anthony Day -15.00Three weeks wear and tear, in Austria
2009-08-01Emma Wilson -15.00Three weeks wear and tear, in Austria
2009-08-01Frank Tully -15.00Three weeks wear and tear, in Austria
2009-08-01Jolly 1 tobogganing 6.10Jolly 1
2009-08-01Jolly 2 Hallstatt 1.37Jolly 2
2009-08-01Julian Todd -15.00Three weeks wear and tear, in Austria
2009-08-01Ollie Stevens -15.00Three weeks wear and tear, in Austria
2009-08-01Steve Jones -10.00Two weeks wear and tear, in Austria
2009-08-01Tony Rooke -15.00Three weeks wear and tear, in Austria
2009-08-07Tony Rooke -17.95 (-22.00 Euros)fuel
2010-07-20Aaron Todd 4.317/401 of the total from Transport in Austria (-247.31)
2010-07-20Andrew Atkinson 8.0113/401 of the total from Transport in Austria (-247.31)
2010-07-20Anthony Day 12.9521/401 of the total from Transport in Austria (-247.31)
2010-07-20Becka Lawson 16.6527/401 of the total from Transport in Austria (-247.31)
2010-07-20Edvin Deadman 12.9521/401 of the total from Transport in Austria (-247.31)
2010-07-20Emma Wilson 12.9521/401 of the total from Transport in Austria (-247.31)
2010-07-20Frank Tully 12.3320/401 of the total from Transport in Austria (-247.31)
2010-07-20Gareth Phillips 6.1610/401 of the total from Transport in Austria (-247.31)
2010-07-20Holly Bradley 8.0113/401 of the total from Transport in Austria (-247.31)
2010-07-20Ian Walker 16.0326/401 of the total from Transport in Austria (-247.31)
2010-07-20Jess Hatchett 0.10Unlucky: arithmetic error from transport-in-austria split
2010-07-20Jess Hatchett 9.8616/401 of the total from Transport in Austria (-247.31)
2010-07-20Jess Stirrups 12.9521/401 of the total from Transport in Austria (-247.31)
2010-07-20Julia Bradshaw 12.9521/401 of the total from Transport in Austria (-247.31)
2010-07-20Julian Todd 12.3320/401 of the total from Transport in Austria (-247.31)
2010-07-20Kathryn Hopkins 12.9521/401 of the total from Transport in Austria (-247.31)
2010-07-20Martin Green 8.0113/401 of the total from Transport in Austria (-247.31)
2010-07-20Martin Jahnke 12.9521/401 of the total from Transport in Austria (-247.31)
2010-07-20Mike Richardson 7.4012/401 of the total from Transport in Austria (-247.31)
2010-07-20Noel 8.0113/401 of the total from Transport in Austria (-247.31)
2010-07-20Ollie Stevens 9.8616/401 of the total from Transport in Austria (-247.31)
2010-07-20Steve Jones 8.0113/401 of the total from Transport in Austria (-247.31)
2010-07-20Tony Rooke 12.9521/401 of the total from Transport in Austria (-247.31)
2010-07-20Wookey 8.6314/401 of the total from Transport in Austria (-247.31)
Grand total:0.00

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Processed at 21:07 on 2010-07-20.