
Account short name: kitty
Number of transactions: 36

Negative amounts indicate that Kitty is indebted to a creditor.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Creditor/DebtorAmountDescription
2009-08-01Martin Jahnke 65.60 (80.40 Euros)campsite charge
2009-08-02Ian Walker -8.06 (-9.88 Euros)change put in kitty
2009-08-05Wookey -16.67 (-20.44 Euros)campsite fee contribution
2009-08-06Holly Bradley -81.59 (-100.00 Euros)campsite fees contribution
2009-08-06Martin Jahnke -81.59 (-100.00 Euros)camspite fee contribution
2009-08-07Jess Stirrups -81.59 (-100.00 Euros) campsite fee contribution
2009-08-07Julia Bradshaw -164.46 (-201.55 Euros)campsite fee contribution
2009-08-07Kathryn Hopkins -163.19 (-200.00 Euros)campsite fee contribution
2009-08-07Mike Richardson -163.19 (-200.00 Euros)campsite fee contribution
2009-08-07Noel -81.59 (-100.00 Euros)campsite fee contribution
2009-08-07Steve Jones -16.31 (-20.00 Euros)campsite fee contribution
2009-08-14Andrew Atkinson -603.83 (-740.00 Euros)campsite fee contribution
2009-08-14Anthony Day -501.18 (-614.20 Euros)contribution to campsite fees
2009-08-14Frank Tully -163.19 (-200.00 Euros)campsite fee contribution
2010-07-20Aaron Todd 57.565/179 of the total from Kitty (-2060.84)
2010-07-20Andrew Atkinson 46.054/179 of the total from Kitty (-2060.84)
2010-07-20Anthony Day 149.6613/179 of the total from Kitty (-2060.84)
2010-07-20Becka Lawson 92.108/179 of the total from Kitty (-2060.84)
2010-07-20Emma Wilson 103.619/179 of the total from Kitty (-2060.84)
2010-07-20Frank Tully 138.1512/179 of the total from Kitty (-2060.84)
2010-07-20Gareth Phillips 34.533/179 of the total from Kitty (-2060.84)
2010-07-20Holly Bradley 69.076/179 of the total from Kitty (-2060.84)
2010-07-20Ian Walker 138.1512/179 of the total from Kitty (-2060.84)
2010-07-20Jess Hatchett 0.13Unlucky: arithmetic error from kitty split
2010-07-20Jess Hatchett 126.6411/179 of the total from Kitty (-2060.84)
2010-07-20Jess Stirrups 103.619/179 of the total from Kitty (-2060.84)
2010-07-20Julia Bradshaw 161.1814/179 of the total from Kitty (-2060.84)
2010-07-20Julian Todd 138.1512/179 of the total from Kitty (-2060.84)
2010-07-20Kathryn Hopkins 103.619/179 of the total from Kitty (-2060.84)
2010-07-20Martin Green 103.619/179 of the total from Kitty (-2060.84)
2010-07-20Martin Jahnke 115.1310/179 of the total from Kitty (-2060.84)
2010-07-20Mike Richardson 57.565/179 of the total from Kitty (-2060.84)
2010-07-20Noel 69.076/179 of the total from Kitty (-2060.84)
2010-07-20Ollie Stevens 126.6411/179 of the total from Kitty (-2060.84)
2010-07-20Steve Jones 57.565/179 of the total from Kitty (-2060.84)
2010-07-20Wookey 69.076/179 of the total from Kitty (-2060.84)
Grand total:0.00

Go back to summary sheet.

Processed at 21:07 on 2010-07-20.