
Account short name: food
Number of transactions: 91

Negative amounts indicate that Food is indebted to a creditor.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Creditor/DebtorAmountDescription
2009-07-01Serena Povia -80.87tesco and aldi shop
2009-07-01Serena Povia -95.90curries
2009-07-18Martin Jahnke -41.59 (-50.97 Euros)food from pennymarkt
2009-07-18Martin Jahnke -31.69 (-38.84 Euros)beer limo and bottle deposit
2009-07-20Aaron Todd 3.17 (3.89 Euros)bier tally
2009-07-20Emma Wilson -81.59 (-100.00 Euros)food
2009-07-20Kathryn Hopkins -95.92 (-117.55 Euros)beer and limo and bottle deposit
2009-07-21Martin Jahnke -4.82 (-5.91 Euros)food
2009-07-23Becka Lawson -28.84 (-35.35 Euros)food
2009-07-24Anthony Day -49.23 (-60.34 Euros)food
2009-07-24Anthony Day 2.03 (2.49 Euros)tasty food
2009-07-24Gareth Phillips 6.81 (8.35 Euros)tasty food
2009-07-24Gareth Phillips 4.53 (5.56 Euros)bier and limo tally
2009-07-24Ian Walker 9.34 (11.45 Euros)tasty food
2009-07-24Tony Rooke 3.57 (4.38 Euros)tasty food
2009-07-25Julia Bradshaw -42.30 (-51.85 Euros)food
2009-07-25Julia Bradshaw -5.19 (-6.37 Euros)food
2009-07-28Emma Wilson -12.15 (-14.89 Euros)tasty food
2009-07-28Emma Wilson 3.00 (3.68 Euros)tasty food
2009-07-28Ian Walker -20.40 (-25.01 Euros)food
2009-07-28Ian Walker 1.41 (1.74 Euros)tasty food
2009-07-28Jess Stirrups -48.95 (-60.00 Euros)shopping
2009-07-28Jess Stirrups -15.17 (-18.60 Euros)gosser
2009-07-28Jess Stirrups -0.97 (-1.19 Euros)raisens
2009-07-28Jess Stirrups 5.85 (7.18 Euros)tasty food
2009-07-28Tony Rooke 1.95 (2.39 Euros)tasty food
2009-07-30Julia Bradshaw -72.68 (-89.07 Euros)food
2009-07-31Becka Lawson -10.91 (-13.38 Euros)food
2009-08-01Edvin Deadman 27.13 (33.25 Euros)bier and limo tally
2009-08-01Emma Wilson 22.68 (27.80 Euros)bier and limo tally
2009-08-01Ian Walker -20.34 (-24.93 Euros)food
2009-08-01Ian Walker -44.22 (-54.20 Euros)beer and wine
2009-08-01Ian Walker 39.28 (48.14 Euros)bier and limo tally
2009-08-01Jess Hatchett 1.44 (1.77 Euros)bier and limo tally
2009-08-01Jess Stirrups 0.75 (0.93 Euros)limo tally
2009-08-01Julia Bradshaw 18.22 (22.33 Euros)bier and limo tally
2009-08-01Julian Todd 21.97 (26.93 Euros)bier and limo tally
2009-08-01Kathryn Hopkins 0.75 (0.93 Euros)limo tally
2009-08-01Martin Green 17.56 (21.52 Euros)bier and limo tally
2009-08-01Martin Jahnke 0.75 (0.93 Euros)limo tally
2009-08-01Mike Richardson 15.46 (18.95 Euros)bier and limo tally
2009-08-01Ollie Stevens 25.00 (30.64 Euros)bier and limo tally
2009-08-01Steve Jones 9.34 (11.45 Euros)bier and limo tally
2009-08-01Tony Rooke 2.52 (3.10 Euros)tasty food
2009-08-01Tony Rooke 44.35 (54.36 Euros)bier and limo tally
2009-08-01Wookey 0.93 (1.15 Euros)bier and limo tally
2009-08-03Jess Hatchett -55.92 (-68.54 Euros)food
2009-08-03Jess Hatchett 9.75 (11.96 Euros)tasty food
2009-08-03Jess Hatchett -28.81 (-35.31 Euros)food
2009-08-03Ollie Stevens 1.77 (2.18 Euros)tasty food
2009-08-05Emma Wilson -85.81 (-105.17 Euros)beer
2009-08-05Jess Stirrups -45.60 (-55.89 Euros)food
2009-08-07Martin Green -3.66 (-4.49 Euros)shopping
2009-08-07Martin Green -4.12 (-5.05 Euros)shopping
2009-08-07Martin Green 8.32 (10.20 Euros)returned beer bottles
2009-08-07Martin Jahnke -5.81 (-7.13 Euros)food
2009-08-08Becka Lawson 7.10 (8.71 Euros)jagatee from beer bottle returns
2009-08-08Mike Richardson -3.26 (-4.00 Euros)food
2009-08-10Andrew Atkinson 7.45 (9.13 Euros)bier and limo tally
2009-08-10Frank Tully -7.38 (-9.05 Euros)food for top camp
2009-08-12Ian Walker 0.81 (1.00 Euros)slab of flapjack
2009-08-13Wookey -21.86 (-26.80 Euros)unimarkt
2009-08-13Wookey 1.83 (2.25 Euros)used bottles
2009-08-14Anthony Day 30.11 (36.91 Euros)bier and limo tally
2009-08-14Becka Lawson 12.84 (15.74 Euros)bier and limo tally
2009-08-14Frank Tully -17.69 (-21.69 Euros)food
2009-08-14Frank Tully 13.79 (16.90 Euros)bier and limo tally
2010-07-20Aaron Todd 12.227/401 of the total from Food (-700.09)
2010-07-20Andrew Atkinson 22.6913/401 of the total from Food (-700.09)
2010-07-20Anthony Day 36.6621/401 of the total from Food (-700.09)
2010-07-20Becka Lawson 47.1327/401 of the total from Food (-700.09)
2010-07-20Edvin Deadman 36.6621/401 of the total from Food (-700.09)
2010-07-20Emma Wilson 36.6621/401 of the total from Food (-700.09)
2010-07-20Frank Tully 34.9120/401 of the total from Food (-700.09)
2010-07-20Gareth Phillips 17.4510/401 of the total from Food (-700.09)
2010-07-20Holly Bradley 22.6913/401 of the total from Food (-700.09)
2010-07-20Ian Walker 45.3926/401 of the total from Food (-700.09)
2010-07-20Jess Hatchett 0.10Unlucky: arithmetic error from food split
2010-07-20Jess Hatchett 27.9316/401 of the total from Food (-700.09)
2010-07-20Jess Stirrups 36.6621/401 of the total from Food (-700.09)
2010-07-20Julia Bradshaw 36.6621/401 of the total from Food (-700.09)
2010-07-20Julian Todd 34.9120/401 of the total from Food (-700.09)
2010-07-20Kathryn Hopkins 36.6621/401 of the total from Food (-700.09)
2010-07-20Martin Green 22.6913/401 of the total from Food (-700.09)
2010-07-20Martin Jahnke 36.6621/401 of the total from Food (-700.09)
2010-07-20Mike Richardson 20.9512/401 of the total from Food (-700.09)
2010-07-20Noel 22.6913/401 of the total from Food (-700.09)
2010-07-20Ollie Stevens 27.9316/401 of the total from Food (-700.09)
2010-07-20Steve Jones 22.6913/401 of the total from Food (-700.09)
2010-07-20Tony Rooke 36.6621/401 of the total from Food (-700.09)
2010-07-20Wookey 24.4414/401 of the total from Food (-700.09)
Grand total:0.00

Go back to summary sheet.

Processed at 21:07 on 2010-07-20.