Expo bank account

Account short name: bank-account
Number of transactions: 16

Negative amounts indicate that Expo bank account is indebted to a creditor.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Creditor/DebtorAmountDescription
2009-02-29Expo 2008 538.43Money carried over from expo08
2009-04-28Mike Richardson 120.00deposit
2009-05-05Andrew Atkinson 125.00deposit
2009-05-06Gareth Phillips 120.00deposit
2009-06-04Becka Lawson 120.00deposit by cheque
2009-06-04Bella Dimova 120.00deposit by cheque
2009-06-04Grants Pool 450.00grant from Austrian Alpine Club
2009-06-04Holly Bradley 240.00deposit for holly and noel by cheque
2009-06-04Jess Stirrups 120.00deposit by cheque
2009-06-04Julian Todd 120.00deposit by cheque
2009-06-09Edvin Deadman 120.00deposit
2009-06-09Kathryn Hopkins 120.00deposit
2009-06-10Jess Hatchett 120.00deposit by cheque
2009-06-29Frank Tully 120.00deposit by cheque
2009-06-29Ghar Parau 700.00Grant from Ghar Parau
2009-07-01Ian Walker 120.00deposit
Grand total:3373.43

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Processed at 21:07 on 2010-07-20.