'Wild' Survex files

These are survex files which have NO ATTACHED WALLET.
i.e. they have a survex block (begin..end) with no *REF line which refers to the wallet holding the raw data for that block of data.

survex block with no *refdateparent blockwithin survex filesurveyed lengthteam
200 Jan. 1, 1998 1623 caves-1623/200/200 60.0m []
plastic July 24, 1998 40 caves-1623/40/cucc/plastic 150.6m ['Phil U', 'Wookey']
plastic2 July 25, 1998 40 caves-1623/40/cucc/plastic 41.0m ['Phil U', 'Julian H']
wdr Aug. 3, 1998 41 caves-1623/41/wdr 154.9m []
lampntot Aug. 3, 1998 41 caves-1623/41/lampntot 98.0m []
144ein Aug. 5, 1998 144 caves-1623/144/144ein 0.0m []
midnght1 July 20, 1998 161 caves-1623/161/north/midnight 115.8m ['Duncan Collis', 'Steve Bellhouse']
midnght2 July 20, 1998 161 caves-1623/161/north/midnight 28.2m ['Duncan Collis', 'Steve Bellhouse']
logic July 1, 1998 161 caves-1623/161/north/logic 148.4m ['Dan Gemenis', 'Phil Underwood']
psycho July 4, 1998 161 caves-1623/161/north/psychost 78.0m ['Brian Outram', 'Duncan Collis']
clearas July 4, 1998 161 caves-1623/161/north/clearas 75.5m ['Brian Outram', 'Duncan Collis']
bearbum July 4, 1998 161 caves-1623/161/north/bearbum 30.9m ['Dan Gemenis', 'Phil Underwood']
overflow July 16, 1998 161 caves-1623/161/triassic/ovflow 43.6m ['Tim V', 'Kate J', 'Earl M']
eaunatlink July 4, 1998 161 caves-1623/161/triassic/eaunat 10.7m ['Brian Outram', 'Duncan Collis']
eaunat July 1, 1998 161 caves-1623/161/triassic/eaunat 74.6m ['Kate J', 'Brian']
90to94 July 18, 1998 no_name-#1948 surface/1623/neartc 0.0m ['Brian O', 'Wookey']
159totc July 23, 1998 no_name-#1948 surface/1623/neartc 0.0m ['Kate J', 'Andy W']
b8to101 July 16, 1998 no_name-#1948 surface/1623/tcto171 0.0m ['Andy W']
103tolrh July 18, 1998 no_name-#1948 surface/1623/tcto171 0.0m ['Brian O', 'Andy W']
103to173 July 19, 1998 no_name-#1948 surface/1623/tcto171 0.0m ['Wookey', 'Andy W']
lardysurf July 19, 1998 no_name-#1948 surface/1623/tcto171 0.0m ['Kate J', 'Andy W']
u-alice June 2, 1998 troggle_unseens caves-1623/41/alice-umgehung 137.4m []

So we are missing 1,247m of surveyed cave from our wallet records.

If the "team" field is empty, it probably means that it is an ARGE survey (in German) and so we do not recognise any participants as valid 'expo' members. Or it may mean that we did it, but that the survex file has been created since the last database reset.
If the parent block says "troggle _unseens" or "None" then the survex file has not been plumbed in to the expo survex network yet.
If there is a *ref line of the correct format, then maybe that wallet has not been created yet. Create it, and fill in the data.

Length of survex data referenced by wallets in this year 0m.

Survey Legs
1998 23 186 1,247

These are uncorrected tape lengths which include pitches and duplicates but exclude splays or surface-surveys.

One Survex Survey Block is one *begin/*end block of data in a survex file. Some files from other caving clubs may have a convention of using many more blocks per file than we do, e.g. if the file is exported from other software into survex format.