'Wild' Survex files

These are survex files which have NO ATTACHED WALLET.
i.e. they have a survex block (begin..end) with no *REF line which refers to the wallet holding the raw data for that block of data.

survex block with no *refdateparent blockwithin survex filesurveyed lengthteam
116 July 30, 1997 1623 caves-1623/116/116 221.9m []
202 Aug. 6, 1997 1623 caves-1623/202/202 69.2m []
203 July 1, 1997 1623 caves-1623/203/203 41.1m []
bonsai Sept. 27, 1997 41 caves-1623/41/bonsai 142.1m []
blakwite Sept. 29, 1997 41 caves-1623/41/blakwite 241.3m []
stream Sept. 29, 1997 41 caves-1623/41/stream 112.3m []
platte Sept. 30, 1997 41 caves-1623/41/platte 272.5m []
germanrt July 23, 1997 e41 caves-1623/41/germanrt 77.1m []
bloop July 24, 1997 e41 caves-1623/41/germanrt 77.8m []
din July 23, 1997 41 caves-1623/41/din 104.2m []
extblatt July 1, 1997 41 caves-1623/41/extblatt 188.5m []
extradin Jan. 1, 1997 41 caves-1623/41/extradin 48.0m []
edelmean July 1, 1997 41 caves-1623/41/edelmean 41.3m []
megalo July 2, 1997 41 caves-1623/41/megalo 183.0m []
entrance July 29, 1997 136 caves-1623/136/main 246.3m ['Julian Haines', 'Anthony Day', 'Becka Lawson']
theatre July 31, 1997 136 caves-1623/136/main 103.8m ['Julian Haines', 'Anthony Day']
fantasy Aug. 3, 1997 136 caves-1623/136/main 90.9m ['Julian Haines', 'Anthony Day', 'Becka Lawson']
gods Aug. 2, 1997 136 caves-1623/136/main 35.0m ['Becka Lawson', 'Julian Haines']
distraction Aug. 5, 1997 136 caves-1623/136/main 61.7m ['Chris Densham', 'Andrew Atkinson']
footlights Aug. 12, 1997 136 caves-1623/136/main 76.9m ['Jon Barber', 'Chris', 'Brian']
gravel Aug. 3, 1997 136 caves-1623/136/gravel 107.7m ['William Stead', 'Andrew Atkinson']
teama Aug. 3, 1997 sep caves-1623/161/north/sep 79.6m ['Jon B', 'Phil U']
teamb Aug. 3, 1997 sep caves-1623/161/north/sep 26.2m ['Duncan', 'Andrew K']
fuzzy Aug. 6, 1997 sep caves-1623/161/north/sep 47.8m ['Phil U', 'Andrew K', 'Phil B']
greengables Aug. 6, 1997 sep caves-1623/161/north/sep 5.8m []
part2 Aug. 6, 1997 sep caves-1623/161/north/sep 157.4m ['Duncan Collis', 'William Stead', 'Jon Barber']
magicjumars July 24, 1997 161 caves-1623/161/triassic/magicjum 66.1m ['Becka', 'Jon Barber', 'Dave Horsley']
magic2 July 27, 1997 161 caves-1623/161/triassic/magicjum 49.9m ['Tony Rooke', 'Jon Barber']
welshchoir July 30, 1997 161 caves-1623/161/triassic/magicjum 35.7m ['Mike Richardson', 'Sam Lieberman']
keinzimmer July 24, 1997 161 caves-1623/161/triassic/keinzimm 142.9m ['Adam Cooper', 'Sam Lieberman']
dunno July 29, 1997 161 caves-1623/161/triassic/keinzimm 9.0m ['Tony Rooke', 'Adam Cooper']
downstream July 26, 1997 lostworld caves-1623/161/triassic/lostworl 78.7m ['Becka', 'Jon Barber']
downstream2 July 27, 1997 lostworld caves-1623/161/triassic/lostworl 72.9m ['Becka', 'Robert']
upstream July 27, 1997 lostworld caves-1623/161/triassic/lostworl 303.3m ['Sam Lieberman', 'Adam Cooper']
upstream2 July 29, 1997 lostworld caves-1623/161/triassic/lostworl 151.4m ['Sam Lieberman', 'William Stead']
downstream3 Aug. 4, 1997 lostworld caves-1623/161/triassic/lostworl 118.3m ['Mike B.', 'Juliet', 'Dave H.']
186totc Aug. 12, 1997 no_name-#1948 surface/1623/186totc 0.0m ['Phil Underwood', 'Anthony Day']
136to147 July 27, 1997 no_name-#1948 surface/1623/136to147 0.0m ['Mike Richardson', 'Anthony Day']
180to161c Aug. 12, 1997 no_name-#1948 surface/1623/180-161c 0.0m ['Phil Underwood', 'Anthony Day']

So we are missing 3,887m of surveyed cave from our wallet records.

If the "team" field is empty, it probably means that it is an ARGE survey (in German) and so we do not recognise any participants as valid 'expo' members. Or it may mean that we did it, but that the survex file has been created since the last database reset.
If the parent block says "troggle _unseens" or "None" then the survex file has not been plumbed in to the expo survex network yet.
If there is a *ref line of the correct format, then maybe that wallet has not been created yet. Create it, and fill in the data.

Length of survex data referenced by wallets in this year 0m.

Survey Legs
1997 39 590 3,887

These are uncorrected tape lengths which include pitches and duplicates but exclude splays or surface-surveys.

One Survex Survey Block is one *begin/*end block of data in a survex file. Some files from other caving clubs may have a convention of using many more blocks per file than we do, e.g. if the file is exported from other software into survex format.