Survex File: surface/1623/neartc
No differences from last saved file.
cave primary survexfile
directory primary survexfile surface/1623/allsurface
block tcto90 has parent block no_name-#1946 (in file surface/1623/allsurface.svx)
block 90to94 has parent block no_name-#1946 (in file surface/1623/allsurface.svx)
block 159totc has parent block no_name-#1946 (in file surface/1623/allsurface.svx)
block 90to94bis has parent block no_name-#1946 (in file surface/1623/allsurface.svx)
block wk2towk3 has parent block no_name-#1946 (in file surface/1623/allsurface.svx)
1996-07-15 ['tcto90']
Survex files on this date:caves-1623/90/90
No wallets files found for this date.
Logbook trips on this date:
161 - Puerile Humour cont.
161 - Question mark extermination trip
161 - In bugger again
pleau - Prospecting
plateau - Surface wanderings looking for lost caves
161 - Surveyed the connection from Shortage of Walls to Rich Tea
1998-07-18 ['90to94']
Survex files on this date:surface/1623/neartc
No wallets files found for this date.
Logbook trips on this date:
Loser Plateau - Surveyed from 90 to 91, 159*, 93 & 94
1998-07-23 ['159totc']
Survex files on this date:surface/1623/neartc
No wallets files found for this date.
Logbook trips on this date:
40 - Eishöhle - 'Connect to 136' trip
161 - Gear Collection
Loser Plateau - Surface Stroll - Marking Cairns on route @ ~30° from Top Camp
1999-08-11 ['90to94bis']
Survex files on this date:surface/1623/neartc
Wallets on this date:
1999#21 drawn up surveys ['pl1999', 'el1999', '1999#drawnupsurveys', 'LISTING']
Logbook trips on this date:
204 - Steinbrückenhöhle
2000-08-06 ['wk2towk3']
Survex files on this date:caves-1623/215/215
Wallets on this date:
2000#21 surface ['notes']
Logbook trips on this date:
40 - Eishöhle - Plus surface work
204 - 204