Balcony - Derig

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place: Balcony

Wed 17 Aug 2022    Wed 17 Aug 2022

Kristian Brook Tue 16 Aug 2022 Thu 18 Aug 2022
Nat Dalton Mon 15 Aug 2022
Tobias Turner Tue 16 Aug 2022
Wed 17 Aug 2022
Kristian Brook

Setting off from top camp 2 hours after Becka's group we descended and met the last camp team at the bottom of Honeycomb. Nat continued down to assist the first derig team at Mongol Rally. Tobias and I assisted Charlotte, Jono and Hannah with their bags back to the water that comes in near Natural Highs.

Tobias, Hannah, Charlotte and Jono left for the surface and I went 2 minutes back to take a bag off of Becka. Back at the water spot I set up a stove for noodles and smash while the others hung the rope in the water in anticipation for the next couple of days of deluge. All set up and fed we left the cave and went back to top camp in sweaty conditions.

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Logbook trips on this date:
    Balkonhöhle - 3 Camping trip at Pitstop pushing Southern & Northern Pitstop
    Balcony - Derig
    Balcony - Derig: scrabble & flail
    Fishgesichthoehle - The Final Push: Perseid Showers