2014-NP-01, 2022-KB-01 - NS-14 Failure

Thu 18 Aug 2022
Kristian Brook

We set off for NS-14 [actually 2014-NP-01, they had misidentified it by misreading the tag] to drop it and investigate this massive hole. Kristian carrying a very heavy survey kit and Alex carrying 100m of rope, metal work and the drill and batteries. Alex was carrying the trip. We got to NS-14 and while looking for suitable bolting locations we found two bolts that suggested the hole had been dropped. Further investigation revealed that this was 288 [no, 288 is nearby 2014-NP-01, but not the same] and useless cunts had not linked it [more care with GPS accuracy required by all involved it seems].

Stoked killed we went to the next hole over where a hole in the side of a rifty depression showed some mystery. After some umming and ahing we decided to appeoach the hole from above as it was 6m above the ground. K Brook rigged the drop and found the hole blind and only 7m long. Not enough for a Kaster number but it will be entered as 2022-KB-01.

Time wasted we set off down the hill to avoid further rain.


Location = 47.69869 degrees N, 13.82425 degrees E

[Ed: 288 is Purple Lupin Hole, which was 2015-mf-06, so why does he think it was this> 288: 47.6985759N 13.8240202E

Kristian's photo of the tag on what he calls "NS-14" clearly says "CUCC 14-NP01"

Tag on/ 2014-NP-01 is "CUCC 14-NP01" as written in 2014#24 scanned notes


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    Perseid Showers, Fischgesicht
    2014-NP-01, 2022-KB-01 - NS-14 Failure