Balkon - Hangman's-> Grand Prix + Tunnocks Connection to Antlermuza!

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place: Balkon

Thu 26 Jul 2018    Sat 28 Jul 2018

Becka Lawson Thu 26 Jul 2018 Thu 02 Aug 2018
George Breley Thu 26 Jul 2018 Sat 04 Aug 2018
Fri 27 Jul 2018
Becka Lawson

My last chance of being underground for a few days so I was even keener than usual.It took 1h20min to get to the bottom of Mongol Rally.

George rigged Littleboy pitch which dropped us into a round chamber where we started he survey + we headed off into 20m wide phreas once we'd spotted the moushole leading off. Implausibly there werenomoreobstacles for hundreds of metres whilst George's brain frazzled trying to keep up with the boulder drawing + my splays.

Eventually we got to a thin rift that blowed a gale where, after some furtling, we foundan easy climb down... and a survey cairn! We found two other old stations (one numbered) so surveyed between them whilst George got moody because his cave had been absorbed.

We headed back to Littleboy pitch to tie in the survey but spotted a side lead just before the chamber and ran through some fast,staight, long legs there until we got to a wet pitch. We were oh so close to a kilometer in the book/PDA so, rather than wrapping up at 6pm when we made the connection, a 8.30pm colem(?) we tied int he survey we tidied up the area at the final ledge of Mongol Rally tomake it 100m (albeit with a dodgy, cheeky leg or two).

On the way out we drank at the pool on Piystop as I was losing it with dehydration - it's dry, dry, dry in Floodland (of course). It took 2.5h out and we were on the surface at 01.30 to a full moon.

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    Balkon - Hangman's-> Grand Prix + Tunnocks Connection to Antlermuza!