40 - Eishöle

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place: 40

Mon 31 Jul 2000    Mon 31 Jul 2000

Dave Horsley Thu 27 Jul 2000 Tue 01 Aug 2000
Mark Shinwell Thu 27 Jul 2000 Tue 01 Aug 2000
Olly Betts Thu 27 Jul 2000 Tue 01 Aug 2000
Mon 31 Jul 2000
Dave Horsley

Eishöle - split into two parties. Olly continued to bolt up the ice waterfall whilst Mark and Dave went to survey the "Night Manipulations" series. The attempt to reduce the water in the entrance crawl by chipping a drainage channel with an ice axe has worked to some extent as there was much less water - you still get wet though.

Surveyed only the main line - side passages / ? still need doing. Stopped at the really narrow bit, cos both Mark & Dave were freezing and Dave didn't like the tight bit. Mark went through as far as the big pitch & confirmed by talking to Andy A who was exploring POV that the pitch was one of the parallel shafts at Radio 3.

Went back to main chamber to find Olly just about finished bolting, but run out of hangers so Dave prussiked up, removing one of the now redundant ones used lower on the bolt climb.

Olly rigged to the top to find a further short climb up the ice; then a 20-30m pitch down. It might also be possible to traverse up & over the pitch. Having run out of tackle we came out.

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2000#06 random pit ? ['notes']
Logbook trips on this date:
    40 - Eishöhle - POV
    161 - 161D - Regurgitation II
    204 - [I assume this is 204, Webeditor]
    40 - Eishöle
    204 - Ariston to the pushing front
    204 - Steinbrückenhöhle