Wallets for 2000

Each wallet contains the scanned original in-cave survey notes and sketches of plans and elevations. It also contains scans of centre-line survex output on which hand-drawn passage sections are drawn. These hand-drawn passages will eventually be traced to produce Tunnel or Therion drawings and eventually the final complete cave survey.

Link to logbooks and calendar for 2000.

When you only have a survexfile

To create a wallet, if you have only a survex file but no notes to scan, you should upload the survexfile first. But before you can do that you will need to login (use the menu item at top-right of page).

Upload the survexfile using e.g. /survexfile/caves-1623/290/mynewsurvex.svx (for a survex file for cave 1623-290). You will cut and paste the survex file data into the window on the form.

While still logged-in, go to this page Create Wallet which will take you to the next unused wallet number page, and click the 'Create' button. This will not actually complete the creation of the wallet until you have also set the date for the wallet in the wallet edit form (which will appear when you press 'Create').

While editing the wallet you should enter in the form the url of the survexfile which you have just created at e.g. /survexfile/caves-1623/290/mynewsurvex.svx (see above).

See also wallets

WalletWallet DateCave(s)Wallet NameSurvex survey length S C Q N P E T W
2000#00 July 24, 2000 Contents folder                
2000#01 July 24, 2000 1623-231 traun, traun2, traunsurface2 125m 72m 0m                
2000#02 July 24, 2000 1623-204 stitchthis 34m                
2000#03 July 27, 2000 1623-204 King Carbide 63m                
2000#04 July 21, 2000 []                
2000#05 July 30, 2000 Surface survey                
2000#06 July 31, 2000 1623-40 random pit ? 16m                
2000#07 Aug. 1, 2000 Surface survey                
2000#08 Aug. 1, 2000 1623-220 220 8m                
2000#10 Aug. 1, 2000 1623-40 mission, missionconnection, mission2, mission4, modern, bodge 78m 6m 142m 35m 137m 31m                
2000#11 July 30, 2000 1623-161 room 77m                
2000#12 Aug. 1, 2000 1623-161 irrig 64m                
2000#13 July 26, 2000 1623-204 aday2bidet, 110_bidet_b 18m 23m                
2000#14 July 27, 2000 1623-204 veined_deadend 6m                
2000#15 Aug. 2, 2000 1623-40 POV 29m                
2000#16 Aug. 3, 2000 1623-40 40h entrance passage 49m                
2000#18 Aug. 2, 2000 1623-204 pleasuredome 139m                
2000#21 Aug. 6, 2000 surface                
2000#24 July 27, 2000 1623-204 kidney 41m                
2000#26 Aug. 10, 2000 1623-204 fledermaus 125m                
2000#28 Aug. 8, 2000 1623-204 loop22 21m                
2000#29 Aug. 11, 2000 1623-204 kiwisuit 162m                
2000#30 Aug. 8, 2000 1623-40 mission3 90m                
2000#31 Aug. 9, 2000 b4surf 0m                
2000#34 Aug. 9, 2000 1623-172 172, 172to171a 21m 0m                
2000#35 Aug. 9, 2000 1623-250 250, 163conn 10m 0m                
2000#36 Aug. 10, 2000 1623-193 193 21m                
2000#37 Aug. 10, 2000 193surf 0m                
2000#38 Aug. 10, 2000 1623-204 phat 117m                
2000#39 Aug. 14, 2000 1623-204 insig 44m                
2000#40 Aug. 15, 2000 1623-204 nopainnogain 81m                
2000#41 Aug. 16, 2000 1623-204 colonade 71m                
2000#42 Aug. 16, 2000 1623-204 bonsai 18m                
2000#43 Aug. 15, 2000 1623-204 treeumphant 255m                
2000#44 Aug. 15, 2000 1623-204 razor1 90m                
2000#45 Aug. 14, 2000 1623-204 110_bidet 59m                
2000#46 Aug. 14, 2000 1623-204 marble_run 40m                
2000#47 July 26, 2000 1623-231 traun3 15m                

Note that names in italics are copied from the related survex file block name.

Total underground survey length: 2,435.8 m

WalletWallet DateWallet NamePeopleCave(s)ScansSurvex blocksDrawings using these scans
2000#00 July 24, 2000 Contents folder 1 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#01 July 24, 2000 traun, traun2, traunsurface2 Simon Flower, Martin Green, Mark Shinwell 1623-231 14 traun traun2 traunsurface2 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#02 July 24, 2000 stitchthis Simon Flower, Earl Merson 1623-204 2 stitchthis (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#03 July 27, 2000 King Carbide Simon Flower, Simon Lee 1623-204 2 kingcarbide 204/204allupperB.xml
2000#04 July 21, 2000 [] Phil Underwood, Earl Merson 4 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#05 July 30, 2000 Surface survey Andrew Atkinson , Wookey 9 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#06 July 31, 2000 random pit ? Andrew Atkinson , Wookey 1623-40 1 eiscream2 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#07 Aug. 1, 2000 Surface survey Andrew Atkinson , Wookey 3 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#08 Aug. 1, 2000 220 Andrew Atkinson , Wookey 1623-220 2 220 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#10 Aug. 1, 2000 mission, missionconnection, mission2, mission4, modern, bodge Dave Horsley, Mark Shinwell 1623-40 1 mission missionconnection mission2 mission4 modern bodge (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#11 July 30, 2000 room Becka Lawson, Mike Richardson 1623-161 4 room (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#12 Aug. 1, 2000 irrig Becka Lawson, Julian Todd 1623-161 4 irrig (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#13 July 26, 2000 aday2bidet, 110_bidet_b Mark Byers, Martin Green, Earl Merson 1623-204 12 aday2bidet 110_bidet_b (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#14 July 27, 2000 veined_deadend Martin Green, Earl Merson 1623-204 5 veined_deadend (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#15 Aug. 2, 2000 POV Fay Hartley, Wookey 1623-40 6 eiscream3 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#16 Aug. 3, 2000 40h entrance passage Andrew Atkinson , Wookey 1623-40 3 40h (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#17 3 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#18 Aug. 2, 2000 pleasuredome Martin Green, Brian Outram 1623-204 7 pleasuredome (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#20 2 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#21 Aug. 6, 2000 surface Andrew Atkinson , Wookey 1 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#22 5 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#23 3 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#24 July 27, 2000 kidney Julia Day , Earl Merson 1623-204 4 kidney (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#25 2 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#26 Aug. 10, 2000 fledermaus Duncan Collis , Anthony Day 1623-204 9 fledermaus (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#27 1 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#28 Aug. 8, 2000 loop22 Martin Green, Earl Merson 1623-204 4 loop22 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#29 Aug. 11, 2000 kiwisuit Michael Allen, Becka Lawson 1623-204 7 kiwisuit (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#30 Aug. 8, 2000 mission3 Becka Lawson, Bob Riley 1623-40 3 mission3 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#31 Aug. 9, 2000 b4surf Martin Green, Mark Shinwell 0 b4surf (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#32 4 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#33 7 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#34 Aug. 9, 2000 172, 172to171a Andrew Atkinson , Wookey 1623-172 15 172 172to171a (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#35 Aug. 9, 2000 250, 163conn Andrew Atkinson , Wookey 1623-250 9 250 163conn (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#36 Aug. 10, 2000 193 Julia Day , Martin Green 1623-193 5 193 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#37 Aug. 10, 2000 193surf Julia Day , Martin Green 7 193surf (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#38 Aug. 10, 2000 phat Becka Lawson, Brian Outram 1623-204 7 phat (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#39 Aug. 14, 2000 insig Mark Byers, Martin Green, Becka Lawson 1623-204 6 insig (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#40 Aug. 15, 2000 nopainnogain Mark Byers, Martin Green 1623-204 9 nopainnogain (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#41 Aug. 16, 2000 colonade Martin Green, Becka Lawson 1623-204 7 colonade (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#42 Aug. 16, 2000 bonsai Martin Green, Becka Lawson 1623-204 2 bonsai (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#43 Aug. 15, 2000 treeumphant Mark Byers, Julia Day , Martin Green 1623-204 16 treeumphant (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#44 Aug. 15, 2000 razor1 Duncan Collis , Anthony Day 1623-204 11 razor1 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#45 Aug. 14, 2000 110_bidet Mark Byers, Martin Green 1623-204 1 110_bidet (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#46 Aug. 14, 2000 marble_run Mark Byers, Martin Green 1623-204 3 marble_run (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#47 July 26, 2000 traun3 Martin Green 1623-231 1 traun3 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#48 1 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#49 1 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)
2000#50 1 (no Tunnel drawings found: but there might be Therion drawings)

Names in italics are taken from the associated survex file blocks, names not in italics are listed explicitly on the wallet.
The number of Scans is the number as of the most recent database reset. It is not 'live' and may be out of date.