40 - Eishöhle - POV

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place: 40

Sun 30 Jul 2000    Mon 31 Jul 2000

Andrew Atkinson Sun 30 Jul 2000 Tue 01 Aug 2000
Fay Hartley Thu 27 Jul 2000 Wed 02 Aug 2000
Wookey Sun 30 Jul 2000 Tue 01 Aug 2000
Mon 31 Jul 2000

Slogged with gear over to 40. Bumped into Mark S, Olly, Dave H party going down. Slow start due to waiting for it to stop raining meant we went underground at about 2:45. In lovely new Eistunnel entrance - great fun. Went in with 100m rope + various bits to improve rigging. Fettled Up, Up, & put handlines on Angle of Dangle climb. Fay went down 40-03 and found it went down about 6m to where it split into 2 too-tight passages. Bob went up 40-04 - climbed about 8m up to where it was entirely choked. Went down pitches, fettling rigging a bit & bolted tight QM at bottom 40-10. Fay went down hole to drop 8m to next level. Wook followed. Andy A tried but had a bit of an epic, got stuck for a while. Meanwhile Wook went down tight slot another 5m to next level where rift was hamster-sized along entire length, so that was that ! Others above relieved to hear they didn't need to come down. Wook struggled back out of bottom slot & then both escaped, Andy A derigging to top of Eiscream where we checked 40-... which goes to a pitch, so left gear for next time. Actually, left in Bob's sack - oops! Out in 2 hours so now rather late for call-out, so Wook & Andy came back via col whilst Fay & Bob went via their gear @ 40a & the Stogerweg. W & A were back faster than they expected in 50 mins, at 11.30, the others got somewhat lost & rolled back in at 2:30 am.

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2000#06 random pit ? ['notes']
Logbook trips on this date:
    40 - Eishöhle - POV
    161 - 161D - Regurgitation II
    204 - [I assume this is 204, Webeditor]
    40 - Eishöle
    204 - Ariston to the pushing front
    204 - Steinbrückenhöhle