Loser Plateau - Surface Stroll - Marking Cairns on route @ ~30° from Top Camp
Tim Vasby
Was supposed to be derigging SEP wih SteveB, but unfortunately suffered from runny-bum. By mid afternoon I was more or less OK, so went for a stroll.
Thought it might be useful to find & cairn a good route out across the plateau to enable prospecting well away from the top camp ( + towards the area N of KH ).
3 ½ hours of bunde (+cliff) bashing found us on the spur of the HSK which extends out into the plateau. Loads + loads of unmarked + unbolted shafts round here, only 45 min from top camp following our cairns. Intend to survey route next year.
Holes noted on route (all close to 030° bearing from top camp)
1) Nase 204° VSK Nip 142° HsK 061°
Large gash, snow in bottom, no obvious markings. Aligned on 050°
2) Brauning Nase 208°
VSK Nipple 159°
LH shoulder of Kl Wild Kogel 0°
Basin with several holes, all look choked, but need checking
3) Natural bridge
Continuing from previous bit, a large depression contains a nice natural bridge.

Nase 205° Nipple 159° HSK 069°

4) Large snow choked shaft, possible way on at bottom
Nase 204° Nipple 160°
LH shoulder of Kl Wild Kgl 359°
5) Oval opening ~10m long containing snow.
1 possible way on (entered for about 8m in shorts + Tshirt + sunburn) but no draught

Nase 205°
LH shoulder of KlWildK 357°

Hole with old fashioned twist hanger, red paint on it. Attached by Allen Bolt (Non-CUCC?)
Nase 205°
HSK 076°
VSK Nipple 170°
7) Nipple 173°
HSK 080°
LH shoulder Kl wild Kgl 357°

8) shaft with massive chocked boulder, snowchoke, possible way on at bottom

Zinken 227°
HSK 090°
9) Large Hole with cairn next to it (Not our cairn, someone's been here before)
Zinken 228°
Nase 210°
Nipple 185°

10) Very small hole, rattly with big echoes for several seconds. Too small to enter, possibly hammerable.
Zinken 226° Nase 207° Nipple 195° LH shoulder of KWK 347°
Follow path marked by stone wedges vertically next to it.

11) Big shaft snow at bottom, possible ways on, following rift.
Zinken 224°
Nase 205°
Nipple 184°
LH shoulder of KWK 345°

12) Hole surrounded by ring of small shrubs.
Many other holes not noted due to "Shaft fatigue".
END OF WALK was found at: little one left of Schönberg 303°, LHS of KWK 340°, Zinken 223°, Nase 208°, Nipple 188°
Original notes are in A6 Hardback book, blue, labelled "1998 Top Camp". [and the above logbook entry has been clarified/corrected from said book by Wookey, 1998-10-24]