161 - Derigging France

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place: 161

Tue 01 Aug 1995    Fri 28 Jun 1996

Anthony Day Thu 27 Jul 1995
Duncan Collis Fri 28 Jul 1995
Kate Janossy Fri 28 Jul 1995
Steve Bellhouse Fri 28 Jul 1995
Tue 01 Aug 1995
Anthony Day

Duncan, Kate & Anthony went down France & first surveyed the bit that Kate and various Daves had pushed in Algeria, connecting the top of Sultans into Algeria in the process. This leads into the bottom of Twin Tubs and has been christened "Daz Automatic". Since Duncan's backup had failed at the surface, he left at this point with a tacklesack full of steel whilst K & A went and fetched Steve. Kate took a tacklesack out, the others derigged. Derigging is shit. Tacklesacks are shit. Pulleys are good gear.

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Logbook trips on this date:
    161 - More 161d & triassic
    161 - Derigging France