161 - Derig Adrians'

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place: 161

Tue 07 Aug 1990    Wed 08 Aug 1990

Francis Turner Mon 06 Aug 1990
Matt Keeling Tue 31 Jul 1990
Wed 08 Aug 1990
Francis Turner

(date guessed)

Francis & Matt are cold in top camp. It is the day for derigging. Francis sez "whoz gonna help me derig Adrians" Matt sez "yer". Off we go. Francis the pitch he wanted to push & the rest of 130m rope. God it's heavy. Matt forgot a tackle sack. Matt derigs the traverse & the pitch anyway. F tosses a tackle sack down Ntrance pitch. It hits a hitherto undiscovered flake. F***. Matt is happy, so is F.

Francis T/ug 3.5 hrs, Matt T/ug 6 hrs

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Logbook trips on this date:
    161 - Derig Adrians'
    Surface - 161c
    161 - Entrance derigged
    Surface - Winded hole