Surface - Winded hole

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Wed 08 Aug 1990    Thu 09 Aug 1990

Mike Richardson Sat 28 Jul 1990
Paul Smith Tue 07 Aug 1990 Thu 09 Aug 1990
Wed 08 Aug 1990
Mike Richardson

8th day of the month of August, Year of our Lord MCMXC

Paul and Mike go poke down a hole "WINDED HOLE"

Stepping over several turd filled holes with Andy, we examined a hole near top camp, with a newish bolt but no number. Rattly shaft with various entrances. Paul winded himself by falling about 10cm [might be 10m, Ed.]
(159, I think)

[small sketch]

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Logbook trips on this date:
    161 - Derig Adrians'
    Surface - 161c
    161 - Entrance derigged
    Surface - Winded hole