161 - shear the driver

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place: 161

Sun 05 Aug 1990    Mon 06 Aug 1990

David Fearon Sun 05 Aug 1990 Wed 08 Aug 1990
Del Robinson Mon 30 Jul 1990
Mon 06 Aug 1990
David Fearon

We got changed and it rained. We went down dreamtime, down Boulder alley into Carefour eventually. If you think this is boring so is the RH route. How am I supposed to write anything interesting about an uneventful passing through a piece of cave which I know every stable boulder personally.

Now then, now then, the pitches, the drivers and other laugh. After much faffing of gear, [???] really are a pain. Then I snapped the driver, laugh. We [???] and [???] and surveyed out and were then dead 'ard and derigged to top of Bungalow. Last trip.

T U/G 10 hours

Trip where lead was found / Final derig / Next trip (see QM list !)

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Logbook trips on this date:
    161 - shear the driver
    161 - survey Power Station Series (& derig!)