161 - Climbing above Boulder Alley

1990 calendar page     full logbook     logbook report

place: 161

Sun 05 Aug 1990    Mon 06 Aug 1990

Mark Fearon Sat 28 Jul 1990
Paul Smith Sun 29 Jul 1990 Tue 07 Aug 1990
Tanya Savage Tue 24 Jul 1990 Thu 09 Aug 1990
Tony Rooke Sat 28 Jul 1990 Thu 09 Aug 1990
Sun 05 Aug 1990
Paul Smith

(Date guessed) has to be before 08.06 when derigged to Bungalow, probably after 07.28 when similar personnel did a photo trip

A relatively quick trip down to Bungalow with Mark F. taking a few photos of Tony perched above the Third pitch pretending to use a radio. At Bugalow the party split, Mark F and Tanya going down to Knossos for a tourist trip whilst Tony and Paul climbed into the small tubes across from the head of the pitch. These emerge into a fine 3m diameter phreas which pops out around 15-20m above Boulder Alley. From there Paul traversed high along the side of BA heading for a large black hole which promised to be a continuation of the tube. The traverse was fairly hairy over gravel and very loose pinnacles. The black hole turned out to be a window between the two shafts off Boulder Alley and not a passage. The two shafts are directly adjacent - contra the survey - although they appear to be separate due to the steep angle of Boulder Alley.

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Logbook trips on this date:
    161 - down LH Route
    161 - Climbing above Boulder Alley