
1990 calendar page     full logbook     logbook report


Sun 29 Jul 1990    Sun 29 Jul 1990

Del Robinson Sat 28 Jul 1990 Mon 30 Jul 1990
Juliette Kelly Sat 28 Jul 1990 Mon 30 Jul 1990
Paul Smith Sat 28 Jul 1990 Sun 05 Aug 1990
Sun 29 Jul 1990
Juliette Kelly

Juliette: _TANTALUS_ (_the Paul investigation_)

A prospecting trip - Wandering accross the plauteux from the cave, down the side of the ridge, casualing looking for lower entrances.

CAVE 1 -> Nice passage, past snow plug 20m down -> choke. (juliette mortally wounded)
CAVE 2 -> It was an enormous hole said Dougherty. So we sent Del down, to Cool beer in the snow, Paul and I lazed in the Sun, Del reemerging with tails of ice formations having got to end of 50m rope
TANTALUS So named because of the water at the bottom - as the prospecters sat parched at the top. Del and Paul bolted in the Sunshine - I watched the musculatures at work. Then lady muck rigged (Very worried about an enormous natural) Anyway - Very pretty pitch - Shame it stopped.

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Logbook trips on this date:
    161 - Left Hand Route again
    162 - The Dynamic Duo Rig, survey and Derig 162
    Surface - solos 90/5