161 - Push + survey Julian's route off Flapjack

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place: 161

Thu 19 Jul 1990    Thu 19 Jul 1990

David Howes Sun 15 Jul 1990 Sat 21 Jul 1990
Del Robinson Sun 15 Jul 1990 Sat 21 Jul 1990
Thu 19 Jul 1990
Del Robinson

- the Daleswear boys.

Push + survey Julian's route off Flapjack. [tick] vg

Armed only with a small ball of bailing twine our two insomniacs boldly surveyed where other people wouldn't bother caving. However, the Julian hunch has worked once more, and a few bolts and not a little thrutching, find us at the top of a 50m+ pitch. (NB this is not bullshit ! - Hanging in the blackness on the end of a 25-30m piece of string reveals long drops below)

Rocks dropped from a traverse above pitch may produce alarm in some cavers due to the increasingly loud whistling sound produced + consequent BOOOM ! Tee Hee.

- Twine is (approx) easiest route thru rift, and leads to small pitch
- Survey is to pitch head bolt
- In dry conditions, stream trickles down wall so not too wet, but...?

V.nice relaxed trip, no time worries, mix surveying with pushing = ACE!
Brain death at 5 a.m. 2 hrs out from Knossos via Dreamtime.

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Logbook trips on this date:
    161 - Push + survey Julian's route off Flapjack
    161 - Dreamtime - surveying and re-rigging trip