GP Batteries

Account short name: gpbatteries
Number of transactions: 22

Negative amounts indicate that GP Batteries is indebted to a creditor.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Creditor/DebtorAmountDescription
2008-07-10Jess Stirrups 12.00Buying 6*18670 batteries from expo (half RRP)
2008-09-23Djuke Veldhuis 6.00Buying 3*18670 batteries from expo (half RRP)
2008-09-23Tony Rooke 6.00Buying 3*18670 batteries from expo (half RRP)
2008-09-26Aaron Curtis -1.331/18 of the total from GP Batteries (24.00)
2008-09-26Becka Lawson -1.331/18 of the total from GP Batteries (24.00)
2008-09-26Djuke Veldhuis -1.331/18 of the total from GP Batteries (24.00)
2008-09-26Edvin Deadman -1.331/18 of the total from GP Batteries (24.00)
2008-09-26Frank Tully -1.331/18 of the total from GP Batteries (24.00)
2008-09-26Jess Stirrups -1.331/18 of the total from GP Batteries (24.00)
2008-09-26Julian Todd -1.331/18 of the total from GP Batteries (24.00)
2008-09-26Kathryn Hopkins -1.331/18 of the total from GP Batteries (24.00)
2008-09-26Mark Shinwell -1.331/18 of the total from GP Batteries (24.00)
2008-09-26Martin Jahnke -1.331/18 of the total from GP Batteries (24.00)
2008-09-26Natalie Uomini -0.06Unlucky: arithmetic error from gpbatteries split
2008-09-26Natalie Uomini -1.331/18 of the total from GP Batteries (24.00)
2008-09-26Nial Peters -1.331/18 of the total from GP Batteries (24.00)
2008-09-26Ollie Stevens -1.331/18 of the total from GP Batteries (24.00)
2008-09-26Olly Madge -1.331/18 of the total from GP Batteries (24.00)
2008-09-26Pete Harley -1.331/18 of the total from GP Batteries (24.00)
2008-09-26Serena Povia -1.331/18 of the total from GP Batteries (24.00)
2008-09-26Steve Jones -1.331/18 of the total from GP Batteries (24.00)
2008-09-26Tony Rooke -1.331/18 of the total from GP Batteries (24.00)
Grand total:0.00

Go back to summary sheet.

Processed at 10:42 on 2008-09-26.