Julian Todd

Account short name: julian-todd
Number of transactions: 19

Negative amounts indicate that Julian Todd is indebted to a creditor.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Creditor/DebtorAmountDescription
2008-05-22Expo bank account 120.00Deposit cheque
2008-08-09Olly Madge -4.30 (-5.28 Euros)Razor and toothbrush
2008-08-19Food -2.57 (-4.00 Standard Gossers)Standard Gosser
2008-08-19Food -8.88 (-11.00 Dark Gossers)Dark Gosser
2008-08-19Food -6.52 (-8.00 Limos)Limo
2008-09-26Administration -3.251/20 of the total from Administration (-65.10)
2008-09-26Campsite fees -81.0212/251 of the total from Campsite fees (-1694.83)
2008-09-26Consumables -6.4420/390 of the total from Consumables (-125.68)
2008-09-26Food -26.9220/390 of the total from Food (-524.95)
2008-09-26GP Batteries 1.331/18 of the total from GP Batteries (24.00)
2008-09-26Grants Pool 3.931/18 of the total from Grants Pool (70.88)
2008-09-26Sesh 15 -6.367.80/112.90 of the total from Sesh 15 (-92.12)
2008-09-26Sesh 4 -5.186.40/32.20 of the total from Sesh 4 (-26.11)
2008-09-26Sesh 5 -18.4622.35/398.50 of the total from Sesh 5 (-329.25)
2008-09-26Sesh 6 -2.613.20/150.70 of the total from Sesh 6 (-122.97)
2008-09-26Stuff given to Austrians -7.531/18 of the total from Stuff given to Austrians (-135.60)
2008-09-26Transport in Austria -29.2120/390 of the total from Transport in Austria (-569.61)
2008-09-26Transport to/from Austria -146.012.00/29.70 of the total from Transport to/from Austria (-2168.32)
Grand total:-230.00

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Processed at 10:42 on 2008-09-26.