topcamp - Topcamp inventory 2024

Fri 09 Aug 2024

Topcamp was set down. The big tarp and solar panels were set down the day before when there were more people.
87 hangers + maillons
~70 maillons
~30 hangers
40 maillons and spit bolts
35 maillons + thru bolts + hangers
5 AS hangers
8 rings + thru bolts
15 slings
42 screwgates
28 snapgates
5 (UG camp) sleeping bags
4 (UG camp) rollmats
17 tackle bags
1 grab bag
7m (2022)
~15m (2021)
~30m (2022)
79m (2022)
200m (2024)
~10m (2022)
~10m (2022)
~10m (2022)
13m (2022)
Green underground tent
10m deviation tat
Brew kit, noodles and group shelter (from base of Balkon E. series)
1 dry bag
3 hammers
1 whiteboard
24 thru bolts
1 pulley
9 group shelters
16 camp meals (incl. 6 meat ones)
4 UG camp mugs and 6 utensils
UG camp 1st aid kit
UG camp communal pan
1 UG camp gas canister
1 bag ground coffee
1.5 kg mornflake
~2.5 kg muesli
1 kg coffee whitener
~2.5 kg milk powder
bag of lighters and whiteboard pens
hot chocolate
analogue compass clinos
~33 noodles
milky porridge
poo drum
2 gas canisters
UG camp poo things
~30 curries (mostly saag aloos)
3 water butts
4/5 drum smash
1/4 drum custard
1 drum drill things
4/5 drum tea bags
4/5 drum soup
1 empty drum
1 1st aid kit drum
2 gas hobs
big 1st aid box
1 callout box
4 empty daren drums
1 bag liquid fuel
1 bag utensils
3 pans
1 bag bivvy tat
1 hob rack
1 drum tea lights
1/2 drum oatso
1 bag rope protectors
2 tupperwares
1/4 tin spits and cones
1/2 tin bolts
4 green drills
hoses and funnels
1 shovel
2 crow bars
2 lump hammers
2 drill dry bags
~3 assorted camp bed frames
2 bags of reflectors
2 first aid boxes
1 bag random containers
Jono's donated UG camp tent
1 white water drum
1 bin tin
1 kettle
1 hanger fettling kit
12 rollmats
2 sit mats
1 brush
10 camp beds
2 broken camp beds

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Logbook trips on this date:
    Homecoming - Derigging Welsh Engineering
    Garlic - Derig Garlic cave
    Top Camp - Derig Top Camp
    topcamp - Topcamp inventory 2024