Top Camp - Derig Top Camp

Fri 09 Aug 2024

As much as I wanted to go down the hill after carrying lots of tackle bags up mongol rally twice the day before I realised I had to do my dues and helped de-rigg top camp. I was a shell of a person making everything very hard. everything was packed away that required lots of people so the tarp and sloar panels. then a car load of people went down the hill as they were leaving very soon. we continued to clean and move things into the storage cave. some people did a bounce to the car park to drop of a load so only needed to do a single carry the next day.

the next day everything not already underground was moved underground into storage and inventoried with great effort where we could all then leave thge plataue and walk toi the car park.

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Logbook trips on this date:
    Homecoming - Derigging Welsh Engineering
    Garlic - Derig Garlic cave
    Top Camp - Derig Top Camp
    topcamp - Topcamp inventory 2024