Plateau - Prospecting around FishFace

Wed 02 Aug 2023

A mellow, pleasant wander in the sunshine, we found + sechecked 2019-CUCC-RH-01 (GPS 47.69156 13.81210 alt 1659) - this was (still) a p4 to a ramp fown to a choke. We then [found?] 2023-BL-10 Lea + Adam EK dropped a p5 to a 5*5m loose chamber with a crwal to the N to a 2*4m chamber 4m high with no way on. Finally Beck explored 2023-BL-11 which was a 10m bouldery ramp to a cave with a continuing ramp down with some snow and a skylight to a 2nd entrance. Luke then [...] a more direct, better route to Homecoming as he and I ferried our gear there.

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Survex files on this date:
Wallets on this date:
    2023#60 theophilus_goon_returns ['plan2', 'Theophilus_goon_returns_notes1', 'elevation2', 'elevation1', 'Theoph…
    2023#61 muddy_goons ['Muddy_goon_sketch2', 'plan61', 'Muddy_goon_sketch3', 'Muddy_goon_notes2', 'Mu…
    2023#64 beyond FGH ['new-2023-BL-11', 'new-2023-BL-10']
    2023#69 2023-RAWDB-01 Dead Balloon Hole, 02:Mountain Aven ['original-notes-1623-2023-RAWDB-02', 'plan-1623-2023-RAWDB-02', 'Wallet69-2023…
    2023#75 imputation_bias", "copredy_fair" ['elev-imputation-bias', 'plan-elev-imputation-bias', 'plancopredy_fair', 'elev…
    2023#76 Buzzard Hole ['notes-elev-sketch', 'new-cave-sheet', 'notes-data']
    2023#77 Ancient Technology ['notes-ancient-technology-notes-plus-newcavesheet']
Logbook trips on this date:
    Buzzard - dropping Buzzard Hole on the northerly Kleiner Wildkogel ridge
    Surface - Prospecting east and south of Kleiner Wildkogel
    Fishface Camp - Pushing Theophilus Goon
    Plateau - Prospecting around FishFace
    Plateau - Cold Shallow Holes